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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
To make my parents proud of me. ^^
Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet,
Drawing, I guess ^^;
Monday, May 28, 2007
Jill Sandwich...0o
Hey guys, if you have seen my Death Note Wallpaper, plz go check that out. Click here to see it and comment. ^_^
I’ve also submitted a new fanart. *gasp* Lol, I posted it sometime last week and it was even one of the featured Fan Art for that day. ^_^ I felt special. Anyways, click here to see it. Don’t forget to Vote & Comment! ^_~
Anyways, I’ve been outta school for a couple of weeks. Sorry that I haven’t updated during that time, but I honestly just didn’t feel like it. It feels kinda weird having the time to update now for some odd reason. ^^; But I’ll try to get back into the habit of updating more than I have. Might not be everyday but more often. ^_^
I’m going to an anime convention this weekend, so I definitely won’t be around at all from Friday-Sunday. I’ll update next Monday telling you guys about the Con. I’m also gonna be taking lots of pictures! :D I just bought a digital camera (finally) so I’m excited about putting that to use...more than I already have...I’ve take a few pics of my dog...that’s about it. Lol. I love my puppy. X3
Here’s one pic of her:

Kawaii, ne? X3
Ooh, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 yesterday. I thought it was really good, despite what the critics said (what the hell do they know, anyway? :P) I also saw Spiderman 3 a couple of weeks ago, too. That was really good too. I haven’t seen Shrek 3 yet. I want to, though.
Been playing video games lately. I finished Resident Evil 3. That was awesome, though Nemesis pretty much scared the crap outta me every time he popped up outta nowhere and tried to kill me. Here’s a pic for the people who never played RE3 and wanna know what he looks like:

O_o…scary...>_<...Hehe, and what did I do almost every time he showed up? I ran away of course! XD I only fought him when I need to, so I can conserve ammo….yea, that’s the reason….>>…. But yea, that was a fun game. ^^ I also bought DS Lite a few weeks back and got Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. I really liked the game. Its really hard for another Castlevania game to top my favorite (Symphony of the Night), but DoS comes to a close 2nd. ^_^ Plus, Alucard’s in it (as well as Aria of Sorrow) so that makes it at least a little better since he’s my favorite CV character ever! XD Juan let me borrow his Devil May Cry video games. I started the first one today, and its really fun. I’m already almost to the end (I think). I’m on Mission 20 (out of 23, I think). Can’t wait to play the other 2. ^_^ Been playing Fatal Frame, too. But only when its late at night, so I can play in the dark (Yea, I’m crazy). That game is really creepy.....I love it! X3
Hmm....I think I’ve rambled enough for now. See you guys later! ^^//
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