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Monday, June 11, 2007
A-kon 18
I only got 1 comment last post? *cries* lol j/k Anyways, if you haven't already PLZ go read my last post. I posted up a link to a new fan art I did and I also posted a pic of my puppy. So plz go read it. >_<
Okay I should've updated last week, but I honestly didn't feel like updating at all really. ^^; Sorry. But I'm updating now. :3 Anyways, first thing i wanna talk about is the anime convention I went to the weekend before last (June 1st-3rd). Long story short, I had a blast! The Friday I went to the Voice Actor Panel with Vic Mignogna, Chris Patton (Sousuke from Full Metal Panic, Greed from FMA), Wendy Powell (Envy from FMA), and Xero Reynolds. They were really funny, especially Chris! XD If you guys ever go to Con and he's doing a panel there, be sure to go cuz he's just plain hilarious! :D I also went to the Risembool Ranger Panel and to a surprise birthday party for a fellow Ranger. ^^ Here's some pics:

That's the hotel that the Con took place in and its also the hotel me and my friends stayed in. ^^

That's the view that we had from our hotel room.

Same view, but at night. :3

That's the Komik Market where artists, costumes designers, etc. would sell their stuff. I took this pic form the escalator, btw.

Random picture of a random hallway. lol

Hehe, at A-Kon, if you lose your badge, the staff makes you do embarrassing things like sing and/or dance to My Little Teapot, the Chicken Dance, or The Itsy Bitsy Spider. In this poor guy's case he had to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider which entertained alot of people, as you can see. lol

This was taken at the Risembool Ranger Panel. As you may or may not know, Vic Mignogna most recent role is Fai (sp?) from Tsubasa. (I have not seen this anime (yet) but I look forward to it. ) Anyways, a girl cosplaying as Fai, let Vic put on her jacket and of course I had to take a picture of him. I took more than 1 but this is the only one that came out good. ^^; We all laughed when he pretended to run away with it:
Vic: "Hey, do you know that girl?" *points to someone behind the cosplayer*
Cosplayer: *looks*
Vic: *starts to run away*
Lol, good times. :D

That's the Pyro, the Risembol Ranger whose birthday we celebrated that night. ^^
Saturday was alot of fun too. The Voice Actor Improv was on that day. If you don't know what this is, the best way for me to describe it is, its like that show 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' but with Voice Actors. ^^ The VAs there were Vic (of course), Chris Patton, and Xero Reynolds. Those 3 had everyone laughing throughout the entire hour. And to be honest, the hour went by way too fast! ^^; But it was alot of fun. And afterwards, I got to meet Chris (yay!). There was also a Risembool Ranger Picnic that I went to but couldn't stay the entire time, though I forgot why. ^^; Here's some more pics from that day:

The VA Improv didn't start until Vic got there. Of course he came in cosplaying. ^^ He didn't the same thing last year except he was cosplaying as Cloud from FFVII. This year he's cosplayed as...something (I forgot what they were called T_T) from Star Wars. :D He came to the RR Picnic dressed like that too, so I knew that was him the minute he walked in. lol

That's Xero in the middle messing with the buzzer thing, pretending to be a DJ. lol

Chris, Xero, and Vic listening to the rules and directions for the improv. Xero looks concerned while Chris looks excited about the whole thing (which he was, lol)

That's them getting started with the first skit, which was "Questions Only", where they could only talk to eachother using only questions.

In the skit, "Props", Chris got a little friendly with that easel thing. 0o

...Not sure what was going on here or what that thing even is...but still looks funny, ne? (Still "Props", btw)

"Props", still. Oh boy, the fangirls went crazy when Vic put Chris on a leash. ^^; Still interesting though. lol

Oh no!! Vic's threatening the bunny!! XD

Chris and Vic listening to directions for the next skit, which I don't remember the name of but what they had to do was randomly say quotes that were written on little pieces of paper that the audience submitted.

During the same skit, Xero played a Lion Tamer with tentacles, Chris played his biggest fan, and Vic was the announcer or whatever you call it. Don't ask me what Chris is saying in this picture cuz I honestly don't know. ^^;

The next skit, was the one where Vic answered questions from the audience while Chris acted as Vic's hands. If you've seen "Whose Line?" you know how this goes. lol

After the improv I met Chris and took a pic with him. Yes, I was originally in the pic but I cropped myself out. :P

Random pic at the RR picnic. I would've taken alot more but my battery died on me and I accidently left my spare batteries in the hotel room. >_<
Sunday was my day to buy stuff! :D In case you don't know, the last day of the Con is the day where dealers mark their prices down. I bought 5 mangas, Death Note 2: The Last Name, and 2 T-shirts. I think that's all I bought but there could be something that I'm forgetting. ^^; My friend Juan got me an L plushie. That was really nice of him. I was also looking all over the dealer's room for a Tamaki plushie cuz I saw a few girls earlier that day and, being a Tamaki fangirl myself, I had to have one! I asked one girl where she got hers, and went to where she said she got it but it turned out that they were sold out. T_T I looked everywhere else just in case they had one but no luck. *sigh* I want a Tamaki plushie...^^;
I didn't take many pictures that day so I saved all the cosplay pics for right now. ^^ So here they are:

I'm not much of a fan of Halo, but I really liked this guy's costume. :D

I despise Pokemon, but these cosplayers' costumes were really good so I took a picture anyway.

One of the many Ls I saw at A-Kon. I was considering cosplaying as L, but I'm kinda glad I didn't cuz I wouldn't wanna go as someone alot of other people were cosplaying too.

I'm not sure if this is an original cosplay or if its from a show or movie or what, but this guy's cosplay kicks ass in my opinion!

Lol, imagine my excitement when I saw a Resident Evil cosplayer! XD This is Jill Valentine from the first RE game. :D I've already decided that whatever I cosplay as next year, its definitely gonna be RE-related! :D Can't wait!

Jet from Cowboy Bebop. When I took his picture I somehow didn't even notice the pic of Faye he was holding. ^^;

Of course, their were many Jack Sparrow's at the Kon but this was one of the better ones. He even had the 'Jack-walk' down....either that or he really was drunk...>>

Bonta-kun!! I saw I a few Bonta-kuns at A-Kon but this was the first (and best) that I saw there. ^^ Kawaii! I just wanted to glomp him and never let go! XD (I didn't, don't worry). lol
Sorry, there weren't alot of cosplay pics, but I'm kinda picky when it comes to cosplay. ^^; Plus, at such a big convention, its hard to see every single great cosplay there, so I'm sure there were ALOT of other great cosplayers there. If you're interested in seeing more pics of the cosplayer's there, you can always check out the A-Kon website.
That's all for today. I tried to keep this as short as much for that! lol. Later all! ^^/
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