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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mood:; Currently listening to: "Babe" by Styx

Most recent Fan Art:

Alexia Ashford -wip-

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

Its been over a month since I last updated so I just thought I�d give you guys an update. ^^

Things with school are ok. Kinda stressful now that the end of the semester is drawing near, but I�m doing my best. ^^;

Things with Michael are great, as always. On wed it�ll be 4 mos since we started dating. It honestly seems like we�ve been dating longer than that. ^^; That might be b/c we�ve liked each other ever since HS but idk. Yea, we�re really in love and I�ve just been really happy ever since we�ve been together. I really can�t wait for Friday to come. I would tell you guys, but�I�m not sure how you guys would react if I told you so�.I�m stayin� quiet. :P Its a big day for so I�m really nervous about it...but still really excited. ^^;;

Anyone remember my RE4: Randomness video? (If you don�t click here.) Well, currently making Part 2. I�m pretty much doing the same thing with this one, except that I�m also using quotes from TV Shows. So far, I�ve used quotes from The Simpsons, Family Guy, Animaniacs, House, and That 70s Show. If I can find more quotes from other shows, I�ll add them. ^^ So far, the video�s coming out great. It�ll be awhile til I can finish it though b/c of school and all. I�ve been working on it off & on for about a month or so and I�ve only got about 1 minute of it finished. ^^;;; Anyways, I�ll post that here once I�m finally finish it. ^_^ When I�m done with that I wanna make a Resident Evil Tribute using the song Requiem for a Dream. That�s such an awesome song! I plan on using the full 6-minute version. Yea, I know its long but I plan on using footage from RE0, RE: Remake, RE2, RE3, and RE: Code Veronica X. I don�t think I�ll use RE4 since it really has nothing to do with the RE storyline...but idk...it�s a maybe...^^;;

Oh yes, before I forget: My 21st birthday is a week from Tuesday!!! XD I�m so excited! No, I�m not gonna go out and get drunk or anything. :P I�ll probably just spend the day (after my classes of course) with Michael. And I don�t have class the next day so I don�t have to worry about getting home too late. Hell, I can stay out all night if I wanted. :P Sure, my parents will hate the idea, but I don�t care. I�m adult and don�t need their permission. XP Lol.

Well, its pretty late so I�m gonna go to bed now. ^^ I�ll see you guys next time! ^^//

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