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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, September 27, 2004

My Day -_-'
Hello. I'm back. I'm bored (like always). I'm in my english class & we're watching A Knight's Tale. OMG that is such a bad movie. Almost everything in that movie is so inaccurate! I h8 this movie! NEways, I posted a Miroku pic earlier. I wouldv'e posted my fairy pic but it keeps saying that its too big or something. I'm gonna have to rescan it tonight & post it tomorrow. My dad still refuses to fix my computer. It still won't let me connect to the internet. Grr....My computer hates me! -_-' Today, in my Vet class, we had to research the people in PETA. I went on petatv.com & saw this video on KFC! It was horrible! The people on there were throwing the chickens on the wall & kicking them & stomping on them. I really wanted to start crying it was so bad! Ya'll, don't go to KFC. That's why I don't eat chicken EVER!!! NEways, I'll go now. I'm gonna check out some sites & artwork now. See ya'll l8r!
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