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Monday, December 6, 2004
Quizzies!!!...& Some Oter Stuff!
 You're priest Seto, the past life of Seto Kaiba... You'll do anything to get to know the people with strong kaa (knowledge, means DM spirit in Yu-Gi-Oh), onece you've fond a girl with white skin and blue eyes, and she has the kaa of the BEWD. You're a really good person inside your heart, but you won't let others know you and you're always against the good side.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Past Life Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Mysterious, elegant, creative and calm
You are a sprite of the Water. Creative and one of the most beautiful of sprites, you strike wonder and curiosity into the hearts and minds of all. Even though you are capable of attraction and seduction you are way above all that, you understand the true meaning of life and are very open and understanding of life's mysteries, most likely you are one of them. You are respectful of all ways of life and do not judge one due to their position or station in life. You are gifted in the ways of understanding and given the chance are usually full of good, wise advice but your not the type to take the stand and express such things. Your laid back nature can be troubling, you don't take many risks and prefer to keep things as they are. You are one of the most unique of sprites.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Black Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
dreamland lady, in a realm all of ur own.
wake up and make that dreamland a reality.
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Okey doke! I think I'm done for today! Sorry yesterday's post was really short! I had to hurry up & get off the puter so I was kind of in hurry! But I just HAD to tell you about my wallpaper! BTW, did you guys like it? I hope so. I'm almost done with a new elf pic that I've been drawing for awhile now. I haven't had much time to draw alot cuz of school & stuff like that! NEways, that should be done soon.Next week is the last week of school this semester!!! YAY!!!! Then we're off for two weeks for Christmas Vacation! So, I should get some more drawing done. There's not much more to say right now so I'll talk to ya'll laters! BTW, how do ya like my new background? Hope ya like it! I have to thank DragonxPuppy for letting me put it up on my site!! I'm trying to make my site all Christmas-y! I still have to change the colors. Maybe my avatar, too but I'm not sure about that! I can't seem to find a good pic to put on there! NEways, I gots to go for real this time!! See ya!
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