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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
To make my parents proud of me. ^^
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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
My day! Bleh!
Ugh! Got my senior pics yesterday! NOO!!! I honestly don't like them! But my parents do so, whatever! At least somebody does! bleh!
I'm in my multimedia class being bored! Bleh, again! I hate my B-days! Those are the days that I actually do work! I'm playin'! Actually, I hate them cuase I don't have NE friends in ANY of my classes on Bdays! Except for Govt. George is still in there but we don't get to talk much! I love my A-days cause those are my fun days! I get to just chill with my friends in most of my classes!
I got my report cards yesterday too! I'm really proud of myself! ^^ I brought my GPA up to an 83! It used to be a 79 but I worked my ass off to bring it up! I'm gonna try to get it up some more!
Rachel may come over SAturday. Still not confirmed! -_-' My parents seem to be hesitant to answer me! Bleh! I hope nothin' else comes up!
I'm really sleepy right now. Bandit (my cat) kept me up last night, scratching at my door trying to come in! But as soon as I opened the door to let him in, he runs off! That cats play too much! Bandit needs to be like his bro, Smokey: Sleep at night!!! ^^
I started a new fan fic last night! Its my first Inuyasha fic!! I hope it'll be good! I'm almost done with the first chapter! I really need to work on my other YuGiOh fics! I haven't updated those in so long!!! I'll try to.
NEways, g2g so check ya later!

How bout some quizzes? OKey doke!
YES!!! Dark is AWESOME!!!!
Aww...I don't think Vask likes me too much! -- Oh well!
 You are Grove Markus. You are sick a lot of the time, and are worrisome. But you have a good heart in you, and care for others. You can also turn into an apparition that kills things with light.
What Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Eh, I didn't expect that one! I'd woulda prefered D or that blonde chick but whatever!
OK that'll be all for now! Check ya'll later!
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