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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

   Maybe I just shouldn't be here NEmore...
I see that nobody even bothered to care about me taking a break. Ah well, its no big deal. I didn't expect NEbody to miss me. I think its probably a good idea that I just leave altogether. I've been thinking about leaving for awhile now, but I really wasn't sure if people would really care. Now, I'm pretty much convinced that everyone would just be better off if I just left MyOtaku. I'll leave my site on for maybe a week or so but after that, I'll just be posting artwork but I will turn my site off, since its just a waste of my time. I only put up the site so I can meet some awesome friends! I have met quite a few but they just never come to my site or talk to me or really NEthing. With an exception of destinyssweetman, awesomedude898, & other of my closest Otaku friends it just seems like I'm just here and nobody will really miss me if I left.

So, I'll post my official good-bye about a week or 2 from now. This is a very hard decision for but I think I've had enough of wasting my time & yours.


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