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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Math class SUX!!!!
Last night was parent conference but I don't think my mum went to it. She usually takes me along with her but I SO did NOT wanna go! So she left to go somewhere, I assumed she went to it w/o me, but when she came home she didn't say NEthing about it so I really don't know! 0o I know I did bad in my math class but I am working my ass off to bring that grade up! I haven't gotten my report card yet but I know I got a really bad grade! -_- *sigh* But I'm gonna bring that grade up! I'm making alot more A's & B's than I used to be making. And I'm doing my HW, too. For once! lol I need to work harder in my English class. I don't think I did too good in that class either. I think I failed my 2 or 3 points. -_-' So much work! No wonder I'm so stressed out all the time! OK how we
That subject! ^^ Yesterday was m first day at intern at the SPCA. (Its required for my Vet class.) It was actually kinda fun. I saw a kewt wittle black puppy! It was so adorable & friendly! I wanted to take it home with me. ^^ But someone else already adopted it! Darn! Oh well, at least its going to a new home & not staying in that cage! I also saw a little orange tabby kitten, but it was so scared it was shaking! I felt so sorry for him, having to be in there. I wish my mom would let me have cats cuz I so would've taken him home. I love kitties! ^^ I don't think I have intern on Wed. I dunno, I have to talk to Ortega about it.
Saturday was my little bro's birthday party! I bought him a DragonBall Z soundtrack CD from that anime store in Duncanville. I also decided to buy Izzy's birthday present while I was there. Izzy, you're gonna love your present, I promise!!!! I'm not gonna say what I got him just in case he's reading this. Sorry, Izzy. ^^
I have to go now. I've got some work I need to finish here in my Computer class.
P.S. I got bored so I took some quizzes:
Dark You're more of a dark artist. While some of your materials are not exactly 'demented', you tend to put a twist to the 'nicer', like angels, and give demons a holier light. You tend to put a deeper meaning into things, one most people dont see.What kinda of artist are you?
Depressing Anime.
 What's your anime type?
Hmmm....really? 0o

This is the frequently forgotten "element".
It's dark, feared, and mysterious. We all know how we die; the mystery lies in the simple question of "what next?"
death is not a bad element to be: it means you are mysterious and keep to yourself. you are secretive perhaps, and maybe a big .. satanic/malicious at times.
death is a beautiful thing. just as beautiful as it's opposite: life. What element best decribes you?
Yes, that's true. *shrug* What can I say?
NERD, MAJOR He luvs school more than you. TOO obssesed with the meaning of school and learning. whats your ideal boyfriend
*coughIzzycough* ^^ j/k
black you feel as if no one cares or knows you. you feel like nobody. you sit at home all day and night saying how muvh you hate your life. how goth can you be? What color are you?
Kinky Ok, accept it...your a freak!! You enojy good sex. You like getting whipped and seeing your partner...or just anyone you f*ck struggle to get out of their handcuffs. What kind of sex do you like?
Hehe... ^^ what can I say? lol This is probably my favorite quiz resulton this entire post!
a punk in the non-punk way!

you're punk in your own way. You are really comfortable with who you are and do things however you wanna. whatever people think about you, you let them think. you don't label people by what they wear or listen to because you know it's what's beneath the surface that means the most. you're what punk was supposed to be about. (lost in this society...) What kind of punk are you?
YES!!! THAT IS SOOOOO ME!!!! ^^ Labels are retarded! That's one of the reasons I hate HS. Everyone just has to be in a certain type of group or whatever. It makes me sick! Well, I guess that'll be all for today. See ya'll later!
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