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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Thursday, June 30, 2005
AMVs, Zombies, & video games!!!
(Woke up too early -_-Zz)
Sorry, no new piccy's. I haven't been drawing lately. I've been reading lots of manga. And when I say lots, I mean LOTS!! 0o
NEways, last weekend, at my cousin's house, we watched so many AMVs!! (anime music video) She dowloaded them from! They have so many awesome ones. My favorite one so far is a Naruto one called 'Ninja of the Night'. It is so freakin' retarded but its so HILARIOUS!! There's another Naruto one I really like that uses the song 'One Jump Ahead' from the Disney movie 'Aladdin'. Now every time I hear that song, I imagine Naruto runing away from the teachers singing the sing instead of Aladdin running from the guards!!! We saw a few from Gravitation , DNAngel, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist (Which had some spoilers which I will not tell!! XP But they were really sad spoilers -_-) & some ones that had a mixture of different anime!
Also, while I was there, I got to see the first episode of Naruto!! It was so awesome!!! XD
Then, on Sunday, I went out with my boyfriend! We went to go see Land of the Dead! It was so awesome!! (Of course, its George A. Romero! lol) Very bloody & very gory but its a zombie movie so I expected all that zombie-goodness! ^^ I even saw some things I had never seen in any zombie movie before, including this one zombie that I can't really describe in words but when I saw it I was like, 'Holy shit! That's fucking awesome!!' lol (You'll have to see the movie to know what I'm talkin' about! Haha, even Romero himself popped up as zombie!! He's been popping up alot in recent zombie movies! He was this one, Dawn of the Dead (as the guy on the news that tells the reporter to 'just shoot 'em in the head!'), & Shaun of the Dead (supposedly as a zombie but I haven't seen him, yet! *shrug*). I heard Romero is gonna make a video game based on his zombie movies!! And he promises that it'll be VERY creepy!!! XD I can't wait!!! *jumps up & down*
Oh, guess what? I bought the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST!!! Its ALL I've been listening to since I got it!! It came all the way from Hong Kong, but it sure did get here fast! The last thing I brought from Hong Kong was my 'Best of InuYasha Vol. 2' cd & that took weekd to get here! C:SotN only took a week at the most! I was surpprised but I'm not complaining! ^^ I love that cd!! And its the actual versions that you hear on the game which is awesome!! 'Dracula's Castle' is still my favorite song! (You can hear the MIDI version hear on my site if you want! The actual version is alot better but I can't get it on this site! -_-,,) 'Festival of Servants' is pretty awesome, too. My bro's want me to burn them a copy each for them but I don't want to!! Actually I would but I only have 5 more blank disc & I don't wanna use them up just in case I'll need them!
NEways, I'm gonna go now. I still have alot more manga to read! ^^ I borrowed Fruits Basket Vol. 2 through 7 since I haven't read those yet. I've read Volumes 1, 8, & 9. Weird! Well, g2g.
I'll leave a nice little piccy of Kyo (my favorite FB character!):
I'm tempted to draw that pic, now! ^^
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