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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Sunday, July 10, 2005

   Artwork & DDR!
Wow, my otaku friend, ElvesAteMyRamen finally submitted the DNAngel pic that I've (along with alot of other otaku members) been waiting for her to color! It is truly amazing! Here, see for yourself:

Was I right or what? To go vote & comment just click here!

BTW, if you haven't checked my newest art, plz do so. Thanx.

I went to my best friend, Sara's 18th Birthday party last night! I had tons of fun! Her party was DDR-themed! I've had never played it before last night but I actually played it! It was so much fun! I really want that game, now! I didn't ever think that I would ever be interested in it but I had so much playing it, even though I sucked at it! lol At her party, she even had a little 'DAnce-off competition'. lol, I lost the first round! But only by a few points! XP Well, after all the DDR-goodness, she had this really awesome puck rock band playing there called 'Fusco'. (They're a local band, so many of you might have never heard of them). I would put one of their songs on here but I still can't get my videodesk.net account to work! (If any of you can help me with that, I'd really appreciate it! Just pm me if you use it too & may be able to help.) Yeah, we were having so much fun! There was so much head-banging & moshing. (Same as last year!) It was so freakin awesome! After they performed, they sold some of their merchandise & everyone bought something! As for me, I bought 2 cd's & a T-shirt (& got a free button!) Everything was $5 or less so that was really awesome! ^^ After that, my parents came to pick me up & I got home just in time to watch InuYasha! ^^

Not much more to say at moment.

See ya'll laters!!


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