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Friday, July 22, 2005
A-Kon Pics!!!!!!!
Wow, haven't updated in awhile! Can you blame me? Nothing ever happens! XP lol Haven't done much in the last week. Hmmm...I saw 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory' last Friday. It was awesome! And no, I'm not just saying that cuz its a Johnny Depp movie! It was really good! Depp was so funny, my dad couldn't stop laughing! I thought it was better than the original! That's no surprise since I'm a huge Tim Burton fan! ^^
NEways, enough of that! I finally developed pictures from A-Kon!!! (Anime Convention, in case ya forgot!) XD Ya wanna see? .....OK!!! :
First off here's some cosplayers. See if you can guess who they are. (Not that it should be hard to!):
Ok, these next two cosplayers have absolutely NOTHING to do with anime, but they were just way too awesome to be ignored!!:
Yes, there was a freakin' Storm Trooper there!! I was like,"Ummmm, I think he's at the wrong convention!" BUt isn't that awesome! Oh, & in case you live under a rock & don't know who the other cosplayer is, that's Silent Bob from the 'Jay & Silent Bob' movies. It looks just like him, don't it!?
Here's a picture of Vic Mignogna,t he voice actor who plays 'Edward Elric' on "Full Metal Alchemist" & 'Dark Mousy' on "DNAngel".
I took pictures of some of the stuff I brought home with me. (Just cuz I was trying to waste the rest of my film so I could hurry up & develop it.) Here's some of those:
BTW, the Full Metal Alchemist poster is autographed by Vic & was free! ^^ So was the A-Kon 16 poster. Everything else I did buy. I bought more stuff but I ran out of film. There were more pictures but they didn't come out good! I really wanted the picture of this girl glomping Vic Mignogna but it didn't come out!! -_-,,,, And ALL the FullMetal Fantasy didn't come out, either! (There were alot of those!) I really wanted to show you guys Vic Mignonga dressed up as Edward Elric! It was HILARIOUS!! lol
Tomorrow we are gonna have a yard sale. We were gonna have it last saturday but then it started raining alot so...that didn't work out!
Well, not much else goin' on. See you guys later!
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