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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Sunday, July 24, 2005

  First of all, if you missed the Anime Convention pictures last post, plz check those out.

My Otaku bud, ElvesAteMyRamen submitted a new pic! XD It is so awesome & its not even colored yet! If it looks this great now, imagine how amazing it will look once its colored! Its hard to describe how awesome this pic is. You just have to see for yourself!.

I won't be able to be online tomorrow, so I wanna wish my awesome Otaku friend, AwesomeDude898 a Happy Early Birthday!! His birthday is tomorrow, so you can stop by his site to wish him a happy birthday, too! ^^

I've got alot to do tomorrow. I have to go register for my classes at the college I'm going to in the Fall semester. Then, I might send in some more job applications that I filled out this weekend. I filled out 3 applications for Barnes & Noble (3 different locations) & one 1 for Hot Topic. Maybe while I'm at Barnes & Noble, I can pick up Fruits Basket vol. 10! ^^ I still haven't read it yet, but I want to so bad!!! Plus it has my Zodiac animal on the cover. Kisa, the tiger! XD Yep, I'm the Year of the Tiger, 1986! wOOt! I guess that explains why I've always loved tigers so much! lol ^^

Well, I've gotta go now. I'll see you all later! ^^

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