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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, August 8, 2005

   1000 Hits!!!
Hey I just got 1000 hits on my site!!! XD Isn't that awesome!?! Thanx you guys!!! I love you all!!! XD

NEways, I'm trying to get some music on this site (that's NOT midi! XP) We shall see how that goes...

My close Otaku buddy, Alex (destinyssweetman) wrote a poem about me & posted it on his site. Its a really sweet poem!! Plz go to his site & check it out. (Its on Sunday's post)

Lately, I've been thinking about starting my own manga. Just a thought. I have plenty of ideas for original characters but as far as coming up with a plotline, I'm having a little difficulty with that. -_-' Maybe one day...

Well, not much more to say so I'll leave now. Bye!


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