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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Thursday, September 29, 2005
First of all let me just say that....LOGAN-KUN IS BACK!!!!! XD He finally got his computer fixed & now he's back on the Otaku. Haven't heard from him since....*thinks*...uh, in a long time! 0o Actually, I think its been like, two weeks or so. But he's back now & I'm so glad!!! 
Well, I just finished Vol. 16 of Rurouni Kenshin. OMG, it was so good, too!! XD Haven't started on Vol. 17 yet, but I will soon. Vol. 15 was funny at the beginning before the fight between Misao, Kaoru, & Kamatari.
Kamatari: "I'm not scythe- woman....I'm scythe-MAN!"
lol, I won't go into details on that, but if you've read this volume, you know what I'm talkin' about! 
I finished those designs for my 2D-Design class & turned those in today. But, let me tell you, I had a tough time just getting those finished in time! You guys know how busy with HW I've been this week, so didn't haev time to do much work on them. I did those rough sketches in time for Tuesday. But today we had to have the final design drawn on Bristol Board with Sharpies. I didn't get a chance to even START the final designs til last night! (The night before, I was working on that essay) I would've had more than enough time to finish it but then we had a thunderstorm. It wasn't a HUGE thunderstorm but it was enough for our power to go out! It was only out for a few minutes but I couldn't use the computer for the rest of the day! (I needed it to scan, resize, & print out the last design) So I wasn't able to finish my last design last night, so I had to (quickly) do that this morning! So I did that & drew the design while I was still here at home. But then it was time for us to leave for school, work, whatever. I started coloring in the design with my Sharpies when I got to school & man, that takes a LOOOONG time to do! For one design, it takes about an hour & a half! I know it seems like a long time but its really not when youre trying to get it as perfect as you can! Funny part is though, I finished the design at about 9:28 am....& it was due at the beginning of class at 9:30! Talk about perfect timing! lol
Dude, I typed a bunch about that didn't I? tehe. ^^ Oh, about that essay, I won't know what I got on it for awhile. Our instructor hasn't even finished our first essay yet. Not that I blame her, she has alot of papers to read! So it will be awhile til I know what I got on those essays.
Well, not much more to say so I'll check you guys later! Hopefully, I'll get to rest a little bit this weekend. ^^' See ya'll tomorrow!

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