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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Yea, I'm mostly happy at the moment. My boyfriend's pretty stressed out at the moment. I'm guessing ts school-related but I can't be too sure. I'm just hoping he gets through it ok, whatever it is.
But other than that, things are going pretty good at the moment. I had a wierd dream last night about a couple of my friend from HS. It was weird! I had just gotten off the train at the train station & I see my ex-best friend Jessica(remember told ya'll I ran into her a couple of weeks ago) & my friend Sheri (they always hung out during HS). Well, they come up to me & Jessica's just al like "Hey, what's up!?" And even in my dreams, I'm just like 'What the hell? Go away!' I was a bit mean in my dream though cuz I totally ignored her & started talking to Sheri. We start walking & we run into my friend Mel & her fiance Michael. Me & Mel just started goofing off like we always did in HS. ^^ Oh yea, & for some reason, we weren't at the train station anymore. I don't know where we were at but the setting just changes completely! (Though you never notice things like that when you're dreaming) I don't remember what happened after that. It was just weird that some of my friends just randomly showed up in my dream. Wierd.
Why I shared that with you guys I have NO IDEA!!!
My friend, Corey got a new job. Congrats to him! XD He used to work at Minyard's (which he HATED!!!) but now he's working at a new Best Buy that's being built at the moment. (I applied there, too but *sniff* didn't get a call for an interview. >.<,,,,,) But I'm happy for him since he's been trying to find a new job for awhile. ^^
Again, I don't know why I shared that.
As for me, I'm still applying here & there at whatever's hiring. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to go with my last resort: Fast-food or grocery-store. (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) I was sooooo trying to avoid those places. Though I wouldn't mind working at Sonic since they get good tips (especially the girls ). So I'll try there before anything else! But I'm still gonna apply other places too, just to be safe. Wish me luck, guys. I'll need all the luck I can get!
Oh yea, to answer those questions about my designs: ....well, the first designs were about symmetry (Symmetry, Asymmetry, & Approximate Symmetry). We had to use Black Sharpies on Bristol board so they are just B&W. The other design is about lines. We had to make 4 designs using Bristol board & construction paper. The first design had Vertical & horizontal lines, the 2nd had diagonal lines, the 3rd had curved lines, & the lsat one had a mixture of all 4 types of line. Mine's were ok. (I like my Symmetry designs better) We just made a new design on Balance. that one's kinda hard to explain w/o showing you guys so I'll just wait til I get those back. I haven't gotten any of those designs back so I can't show ya'll yet.
Ok, that'll be it for today. I shall see you tomorruh!

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