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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Mood: hyper!!! Listening to: "Forever" by KISS

Hey what's up guys? Sorry I couldn't update this morning. I was really busy doing stuff for school so it had to wait til I got home. My math class was canceled for today so I was able to come home kinda early.

As far as I know my boyfriend seems to be doing better. I'm really happy about that. ^^

So, 'no' to fast-food jobs? I'll take your for it guys. Ya'll seem to know what you're talkin' about. I went to go look at some posts at my college about work-study, so I have some phone-calls to make tomorrow. Hopefully, someone has a position open. *crosses fingers*

I might not post or visit sites this weekend cuz I have lots of hw to do. (There goes my wkend of relaxing! XP) If I (somehow) have time, I'll update but I highly doubt I will. Crap, that means I might not be able to go on a manga-run this weekend! Crap! Frikken' hw! Oh well, there's always next weekend...or the weekend after that...or the weekend after that...or...*keeps going until readers fall alseep* *notices everyone asleep* Whoops. ^^'

Hey look at the bunny!!!!


Aww, isn't he cute? XD

^^ Well, I gotta go now. See ya'll Monday!(If not sometime this weekend)

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*sigh* So sexy...

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