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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Friday, October 7, 2005

  Mood: in a hurry Currently Watching: "The Amityville Horror" (The new one)

Well, I have a little bit of time here on the internet. Though it'll have to be quick since we're about to sit down & watch 'The Amityville Horror' (I think I spelled that wrong. lol) I've seen it already so I don't mind missing a few minutes. Its only on the previews anyway. *shrug* lol my brother just called the movie "The Anime-ville Horror"

NEwho, sorry I didn't get to any sites today. Like I said, I have to make this quick.

Well, I mostly did hw today & I still would be doing it but...I ran out of rubber cement. -_-' I need to stock up on this stuff. I've already used two bottles in less than 2 months! 4 or 5 bottles oughtta do it!! ^^ After that, I watched Fruits Basket eps 7-12 (borrowed from library.)

Sunday's my mom's birthday! She'll be turning...*thinks*...38, I believe. Wish her happy birthday!!! lol When I asked her what she wanted to do on sunday, she said "I don't know about you, but I'm gettin' drunk!" lol, I guess in some ways, I do take after my mom. ^~

Well, I gotta go now. I'll see you guys later! ^^

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