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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, October 10, 2005

  Mood: Bleh!; Listening to: 'Lies & Truth' by L'Arc~en~Ciel

Hello, my fellow Otakians!! ^^ (Where that came from I have NO idea!) So how was everybody's weekend? Hopefully better than mine. -_- Well, it started off okay, like all my other weekend do but Saturday was was just BAD!! I could hardly take it! I bawled my eyes out the rest of the night & was still crying on Sunday morning. I stayed in bed most of the morning just cuz I was so angry & depressed & didn't want to deal with anything anymore. But I eventually got up since I still had work to do & I can't fall behind more than I already am. (I'm not THAT far behind but even a little bit is alot to me.) But even though my weekend sucked so much I'm just glad it ended good. I had long, (And I mean LONG) talk with my parents, which included losts of crying, not only from me, but from BOTH my parents (which made me cry even more). But my tears were happy tears cuz I never realzied how much they actually cared even though they never show it. Its kinda hard to explain but that talk made me feel 200% better! I think my relationship w/ my parents is gonna change after this.

But anyway, enough of my sappyness for today. ^_^,,, This morning didn't start off too good. I couldn't sleep this morning. I finally gave up & got up at probably around 4 or 5 am. Then as I was getting dressed I couldn't find my shoe! Now I have to wear this old pair I still have just in case something like this happens. Then I couldn't find my watch! (Still can't!) Actually, its been missing all weekend. It just disappeared off the face of the earth!! -_-' What else am I gonna lose? Something tells me this is NOT gonna be a good week for me. But I'll do my best. Wish me luck. I'll need it.

See ya'll later

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