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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

   Sleep? What is this "sleep" you speak of...?
Mood: Very VERY sleepy! Listening to: 'All That I've Got' by The Used

Yes, I am very tired today. I didn't go to sleep til 2 this morning. Then I had to get up at 6. Only four hours of sleep for me, so I'm kinda surprised I'm funtioning at all right now. It was so hard making myself get out of bed. I was like a frikken' zombie this morning! I probably look like one too! Yea, I have on my I'm-too-tired-to-give-a-crap-about-how-I-look-today look. Hopefully I won't have to stay up that late again tonight. My brain will just shut down if I don't go insane first.

But enough of my whining. I'm gonna try my best to get all this work finished this week. Then, this weekend I can (hopefully) catch up on my sleep. But for now, gotta work! Work comes first!

How about some good news for once? Its finally cooling down a bit here in Dallas. The weather is just right for me. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. The heat was driving me mad! It seems like its getting hotter every summer. Hopefully, that's just my imagination. 0o

Let's see what else is good news...hmmm, I can't seem to think of any more. Maybe my brain just isn't working today. ^^ *pokes forehead* Work, dammit! ... Nope! I got nothin'! ^^ But even so, I'm happy so don't worry about me being all depressed or whatever. I'm an optimistic person & that's how I get through these things. Its not easy but I try. ^^

I'll see you guys later.

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*sigh* I wish I was that cat right now...

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