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Thursday, October 13, 2005
I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night yet I'm actually awake. Dang, that coffee must have been strong cuz I was a zombie again earlier this morning! 0o Yes, I have a new best friend & its name is caffiene! lol But I'm awake now but the caffeine will probably wear off by the time I get home. But that's ok since I can just collapse on my bed when I get home. I have mo class on Friday so I won't have any hw tonight. Yay!
Yea, I stayed up working on ANOTHER project for my 2D Design class. *sigh* Ok, this class started off kinda cool but now, I'm kinda starting to hate it. I don't mind that its challenging but this lady is giving us one big project after another! Sometimes two at a time! So, I'm behind in my English class by one essay. (Gotta turn that in on Monday) I hardly ever get hw in my 3D Design class so I'm ok in there. I'm ok in my Math class too since our hw is optional. He doesn't grade the hw but I still do it when I have time since its pretty much our 'study guide' or whatever. We only have one grade in there anyway & that's from our first test (which I got a 95 on! Yay! Yes I'm still happy about that! ^^). But NEway, I'm doing my best to not get too far behind on my work. Just a few more months this semester...I can do it!!
Oh yea, I got some of my designs back from my instructor, but obviously I haven't even had time to even scan them so it may be awhile til I can show you guys. Gomennasai. -_-
Ooh, who saw 'Lost' last night!? Frikken' awesome! XD (Those of you who don't watch the show, might find this paragraph pointless, so you may wanna just skip it) You know how there were 23 survivors from the back of the plane, yet there are now only a handful left? I have a theory about what happens to the rest of them. I think they all went cannibalistic. Hey, its a possiblity! I know its sick & gross but they ARE stranded on an island! And we don't know if they ever found food or whatever since we only know about the survivors from the front of the plane. We'll just have to find out next week! I can't wait!!! XD BTW, I miss 'House'. I can't wait for this whole baseball thing to be over. I wanna watch my show!
*sigh* Its seems like I'm the only one who hasn't seem FF7 yet. I need to see it. And soon! Just watching previews & AMVs of it leaves me in awe everytime I watch them! Must get it!! XD
NEwho, its almost time for me to go to class so I'll see you guys later! ^^ Bye!

Aww, I used to have a cat that looked like the one that Tohru's holding. *sniff* I miss her...
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