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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mood: Happy! ^^ Listening to: 'Long Day' by Matchbox 20

Hey guess what? My little bro has decided to join myO! He comes up to me & asks me if he can have an Otaku site. I just kinda laughed at first cuz I thought he was kidding. But he was like, 'No really!' So I helped him set up an account last night. He hasn't added any posts or anything yet. All we had time for was to make his site look all purdy!! ^^ Go check it out! There's still some stuff I may need to help him with but we'll have to get to that later. ^^ But he really wants to make some new friends here on myO so if you visit his site, that would be great! ^^

Well, this week I don't what I'll be doing so I don't know if I'll be losing sleep or anything like I did last week. lol Hopefully not cuz I enjoy my sleep. ^^ The only thing that I can think of that's due this week is a research project for my 2D design class. But I'm almost done with that. At least I think I am. 0o But I haven't gone to class yet so we'll just have to see. I looked in my little planner thingy for my school & it says that the last day of this semester is Dec. 15th. Actually, that's the last day of final exams. Exams start on Dec. 12th. That's not too far away. I think I'll survive. ^^

Happy Otaku-versary to ElvesAteMyRamen! And congrats on getting 10,000 hits!! It'll take me a VERY long time for me to get that many enough though I've been here for more than a year!! XP But you deserve it Elves! ^^ You're an awesome artist & friend. ^^

Well, that'll be all for today, I have to go get ready to go. Can't miss my bus. Don't wanna be late!

See ya'll later!

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