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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mood: Happy me!!! XD Listening to: nothing cuz my batteries died! XP

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. I had an essay to work on so I wasn't online much last night. But the essay's finished & its due later on today. I hope its good. ^^

Well, my little brother's site is up & running now. ^^ Click here to go to his site. He's already made a few friends already & he hopes to make more. Thanx to those who've already been to his site & even signed his gb. ^^

Earlier this morning I counted up those drawings that I told ya'll that I've been working on. I counted 6! Wow, them ideas are poppin' into my head like crazy!! NEway, here the list of what I'm working on & will (hopefully) be submitted to Otaku:

-That mermaid pic that is the most finished out of all of them since its the only one where I've actually started coloring.
-Chibi Yuki (Sohma). In this one I'm drawing him with little rat-ears. Its really cute so far! Don't we all just love Prince Yuki? XD
-Also drawing a pic of Kyou & Kagura from 'Fruits Basket'. Kagura's clinging onto Kyou & Kyou is trying his best to pry her off of him. ^^ Really funny. ^^
-I'm also drawing a Chibi Kenshin. (Couldn't resist. Had to do another Chibi!) He's got a confused look on his face which is just ADORABLE on chibis!! Kenshin: "Oro?" ^^
-I'm still working on that Kenshin & Kaoru pic but I think I may have to start over on that one. I'm not too proud of how that one came out. Maybe I can fix it but I doubt I can. I don't mind starting over cuz I have alot of ideas for making it alot better. ^^
-Last but not least, I'm working on my Anime-Legolas drawing. (Thought I forgot about that one, huh? XP) Yea, I started that one last week I believe & its lookin' really good so far. My bro said he looked like a girl, though. I don't see how I made him look like a girl. Looks like a guy to me. *shrug* What does he know? XP

Yep, that's it...for now. So far that Legolas one is my favorite so far so I wouldn't be surprised if that one ends up finished before the others.

This week has been pretty easy as far as hw goes. The only hw I had to do all week so far was that essay & some Math Problems. Don't know what I'll be getting today, but if things go like they usually do in my English class, I'm gonna say that we'll get a reading assignment & start on a new essay. Tomorrow, we'll be getting a new project in my 2D Design class & also some more Math work in my Math class. It may seem like alot to do but its really not. I have Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays off so I have plenty of time to do weekend hw. Its during the week that can sometimes be a pain in the bum. Not this week though. Yay!!

Well, I gots to go now. See ya'll later!! ^^

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