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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Friday, November 18, 2005
Hey, guys. ^^ So what did ya'll think of my AMV? Hope you liked it. I'm gonna take it off either today or sometime this weekend cuz I wanna put a song on here again. ^^
Well, its finally startin' to get cold here in Dallas. Not too cold though. Just cold enough for me to wear a light jacket. But even so, when its cold outside, our house feels really warm & cozy. I slept so good last night. ^^ I know its not even Thanksgiving yet, but I'm already ready for Christmas to be here. ^^ I think it may bethe cold weather. It just reminds me that Christmas is near. I love Christmas. Its my favorite holiday. ^^ I'm looking for good Christmas songs to put on here but I can't seem to find any i like. I was hoping to find some Trans-Siberian Orchestra songs but I can't find those anywhere. >.<, And doesn't like me so I can't just use the songs on my cd. >.<,,, Maybe I can use the song, 'What's This?' from Nightmare Before Christmas. I know where to find that song. Maybe...Don't know yet. ^^;
Alex put this little Questionare thingy on his site & I'm just curious as to what answers I'll get. ^^ I know some of you are tired of answering these questions, so if you don't want to answer, I completely understand. You don't have to if you don't want to. So if you don't wanna just skip it. ^^ If you do want to answer the Q's, well, go ahead. ^^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Would you want to meet me?
4. Do you want some ice cream or cookies?
5. Would you kiss me if I let you? (Straight girls don't have to answer this question. ^^;)
6. Explain why you picked your username.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. If I were to move next door to you. What would the 1st thing you would do?
13. When did you last read my post
14. What are you thinking of now?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. What is the first thing you would do if I were to stand in front of you?
18. What would you do if a cute or pretty boy or girl would to say hi to you?
19. What would you do and say if I was feeling down now?
20. What do you like most about me??
Little inufan made me this for my birthday:

Thank you Michiyo!! ^^ *huggles* I really like it!! XD
My birthday's the day after tomorrow. I should do something fun on that day...but what? 0o Disney on Ice is this weekend but...its 'princess-themed'. Yea, it looks a little too girly for someone like me. And Disney on Ice is usually fun, too! >.<, I went either last year or the year before & I was sining to every song on that played! Esp. the songs from 'The Lion King' (THE best Disney movie EVER!) *starts singing 'Hakuna Matata'* lol But, I dunno if I'll do anything this year. I don't even know if I'll be gettin' any presents. (I doubt I will) Oh well. ^^
Talk to you guys later! (And sorry for the long post. ^^;)

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