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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
To make my parents proud of me. ^^
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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Monday, November 21, 2005
Hey, guys. Yesterday went pretty well. People started coming at around 4:30 or so. We ate a bunch of food & a bunch of cake. ^^ (What else do ya do at birthday parties? ^^) Me & my cousin Marissa mostly just hung out in my room. She wants us to go to this anime convention in April. Only thing is, its in Houston (or maybe Austin, I don't remember) Neither of us drive (I don't know how & she's not old enough) & I doubt even one of our parents would want to drive us there. I told her that I'd rather just wait until A-Kon which is in June & its here in Dallas. But she's still wanting to go. If we can work something out then maybe...*shrug* My presents? I got $90 & a watch. ^^ Don't know if I'll ever use the watch (its very girly-looking 0o), but I'm gonna use the $90 for Xmas present for me family. ^^ I already know what to give my mom. I think I know what to give my dad. Not sure about my brothers though. I'll think of something. ^^ Whatever I have left over, I'm gonna save for A-Kon. I need to save up as much money as I can for that. I'm gonna buy stuff like crazy, just like I did at the last one. lol But of course, I'll stay away from the stuff that seems way too expensive! Like last time, I saw this one booth where there was all these JPop & anime/video game OSTs & I saw the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST for like, $40!! I was like O.O!!! Although I really wanted I didn't buy cuz I was pretty sure I can get the exact same cd on eBay for much less. Sure enough, I was right. I found & bought the cd for less then $15! This is why eBay is my best friend! ^^ lol Also, I'm gonna wait til the last day to buy anything anyway, cuz that's when they start lowering the prices. ^____^ That's something I had to learn the hard way last A-Kon. lol Oh well, at least I know now. ^^ did I start talking about anime conventions? Dunno. I find the smallest things to ramble about. lol
Well, here's all the bday cards/pics that I got.:
This one is from Alex as you already know:
This one is from Michiyo
This one is from Sam
And finally this one is from Tito
Thankies for making those. You really didn't have to but you did anyway. ^^ *hugs* Also thankies everyone who wish me a 'Happy Birthday' or a 'Happy Early Birthday'. ^^ *hugs everyone & gives them some birthday cake* ^^
Well, that'll be all for today. See you guys tomorrow.

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