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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

  Mood: ^^ better ; Listening to: "Runaway" by Linkin Park

Hey guys. Thanx for your comments yesterday. I appreciate that you guys are here for me. ^^ Though I am sorry for leaving you guys in the dark as to what was bothering me. To be honest, its kind of long story but I guess I do owe you guys an explanation, huh? ^^;;; But I'll save that for next post. I just thought I'd update to let you guys know that I'm feeling better and that I finally worked things out. (I say 'finally' cuz its been bothering me all Winter Break but haven't been totally depressed about it til Sunday. I wasn't lying when I said that it was a long story!!!)

For now, I shall talk about other things. Okay, yesterday was the first day of the Spring Semester at my school. I wasn't exactly 'thrilled' to be back, but I'm not complaining either. It was getting pretty boring at home, so yea. ^^; BUt anywho, on tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Drawing I and History 1301. Mondays and Wednesdays I have English 1302 and Sociology 1301. I can already tell that I'm gonna very busy this semester, probably more so than last semester. -_-' But hopefully, I'll be able to handle it. I'll be working soon, too. I had to go to a CPR class on Monday to get re-certified. (It was a requirement for the job) Now, I have to fill out a bunch of paper-work and then I should be ready to work. I hope so anyway. I need money. (Who doesn't? :P)

I bought most of my supplies for my Art class last night. There's only two things left on the list and the only reason I didn't get those was cuz I couldn't find them at the store I was shopping at (Hobby Lobby). I'm really glad I decided to save that gift card my grandma and aunt got me for Christmas! If I didn't, I would've ended up spending about $65 on the stuff I had to buy yesterday (Though that's way less than what my parents had to spend on my art supplies last year, I'm sure). But I only ended up spending only $15. ^^ Yay! Go gift cards!! XD Oh, I'm paying for my supplies from now on, btw. ^^

I finished Blue Gender the other day as well as the movie. The series awesome!!! XD I loved it!!! The movie, though, was....okay. But the series is so cool!! XD Marlene was my favorite character! She kicks so much butt!!!! Girls like that are awesome!!! ^__^

Dude, I never did tell ya'll about Saturday when I had to babysit my cousins! Oh my GOSH, it was complete HELL!!! Those little devils are so frikken' annpying and almost drove me INSANE!!!! If it weren't for Marissa (one of the only cousins that I actually like), I'd probably be in an insane asylum right now! She brought some more anime and manga to keep me in my happy place! :D She brought GTO, which was kinda funny but not something I would buy. I love the theme song, though. ^__^ Of course I would since its by my favorite JRock band, L'Arc~en~Ciel! XD ( I LOVE HYDE!!!<3) When the first episode started and the theme song started playing I was like, "Hey I know that song!!" and start humming along. I'd sing along but, see, I don't know Japanese and all...:P The song is called 'Driver's High', in case you were wondering. ^^ She also brought Rurouni Kenshin but we didn't get to finish it. Marissa's been into anime just as long as I have but I introduced her to RK!! XD Yay! I did something right, for once!!! XD But yea, that was pretty much all that went well that day. The little devils caused me trouble the rest of the time. I almost missed FMA b/c they wouldn't be quiet! >.<, But I didn't miss it, so I was happy. ^^ Yea, I had to babysit them kids til around 1:00am!! Their parents went to Oklahoma to gamble since its illegal here. But they finally calmed down during the beginning of FMA, which started at 11pm over here. I can't really go into any more details right now since my mom should be picking me up in like 5 minutes so I have to leave now. And its also why there is no pic at the end of my post today! ><

Anyways, see ya'll later!! ^^//

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