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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mood: ^^ ; Listening to: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day

Hi! ^^/ Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but as most (of not all) of you know, MyO was actin' like a butthead again! >< I kept having problems and only got to few people's sites. But it seems to be working okay now so here I am. ^^

Last night I got really bored so I decided to change my site around again. I was gonna wait til February to change it. (I change it monthly in case you haven't noticed ^^) but I felt like changing it a little early. ^^ I might change the song too but I just haven't found a song to use yet. ^^ We'll have to wait and see. ^^ But I hope you guys like it. ^^ I think its purdy! ^__^

I also put a chatterbox in my profile but it takes awhile to load so if you don't see it, its still loading. ^^;;

My brother, Nick, is sick today. >< I don't know why, but lately, he's been getting really bad headaches all the time. So he's missing alot of class time cuz he's always leaving to go to the nurse's office. But my mom says that she's gonna take him to the doctor tomorrow to see what might be causing his headaches. We'll have to wait and see.

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