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myOtaku.com: Vankala 86

Monday, January 30, 2006

Mood:Devious; Listening to: nothing

Mwahahahaha!! I'm ba-aaaack!! >:D *all the readers run for their lives* Huh?? W-where did everyone go? *makes puppy-dog eyes* ><

Lol, Anyways, yea I'm back. I spent all weekend either working on that essay or working...or laying in bed watching tv (Hey, I needed breaks, okay?). I had a little time to get to people's sites though I didn't comment cuz I didn't wanna stay online too long. But I got the first draft of the essay done (which was all that was needed today) now I've gotta start editing and all that stuff. ^^ I only had one class today since my Sociology class was canceled today. And that's my favorite class, too! ><, So yea, very short day today. I was I had a way to get home right now but I have to wait til my mom gets off of work so she can take me home (she works across the street in case you didn't know).

Volunteer applications are FINALLY available for A-Kon! So I submitted one yesterday, so hopefully they'll let me volunteer again this year. ^__^ I don't wanna end paying about $40 just to get in (I could use that money for more anime!! :P). Plus, I get free crash space (AKA a place to sleep!!). Nick still wants to go with me to A-Kon. Lucky for him, he'll only have to pay $15 dollars to get in, according to the site. He really wants to see FullMetal Fantasy (the short film that Vic Mignogna made with all the other voice actors from FMA!). Yea, Vic's bringing it back this year!! XD I definitrly don't mind seein' it again, it was SOOOO hilarious!! XDDDD

Anywho, that's all I have to talk about today so I'll see ya'll tomorrow! ^^///

This is a pic of some of the cosplayers at last year's A-Kon. Its fun to just sit and look at the pic and be like, "Hey, there's Ed! And there's Tohru! And Dark!! *and so on and so on...*" ^__^ Enjoy!

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