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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Hi guys! Late post today. ^^;; I didn't have time to post this morning. ^^;; But I'm here now in the library killing time before I walk across the street (which I still think is a long walk from here! ><,) so I can hitch a ride with my mom. ^__^ I have to work tonight. >< But it shouldn't be too hard. Its only a few hours so I'll be alright. ^___^ I also got some hw to do so I won't be able to get online tonight. ><
But anyways, my day today went okay. Today, in my Drawing class, we started off doing more still-life. -_-' (I don't really like still-life so this class is actually not my favorite class surprisingly. ^^;;;;) After that we started learning about linear perspective. I actually enjoy learning about perspective mostly cuz (as you guys know) I want to learn how to draw good backgrounds. I already knew almost all she said about it but it had been awhile since I had to draw something using that information. Last time was in like, 7th or 8th grade!! I wasn't really that good at it back then mostly cuz I ignored alot of details and just wanted to get it done. But this time, I paid more attentioin to the details and even though I didn't finish (none of us did) I think it came out good. ^^ We had to draw one of the hallways in the school, btw. ^^;; And I just HAD to choose the hallway right outside the classroom, which was probably one of the hardest ones to draw b/c of all the little details you never notice until you really look at it. But yea, I actually enjoyed doing this assignment. ^__^ (Sorry if was rambling too long about that. ^^;;;;)
History class was mostly boring. Not much to say there. :P
Hehe, some of my friends just walked in the library and said 'hi'. ^__^ One of them I hadn't seen in a really long time and when I said hi to her, there was a delayed reaction. Then, she was like, "Oh, hi!!" Lol, she didn't recognize me cuz the last time she saw me, I had glasses and ALWAYS wore my hair in a ponytail (and my hair was curly)! But now I have contacts and I have long straight hair which I like to wear down. ^___^ So, I can understand her reaction. Lol, its just funny, though. :D I remember when I first got contacts about a year ago, my friends were all like, "OMG, you look so different!!" Wow, I'm all of a sudden getting HS memories now, so I guess I should stop before I start rambling about too. ^^;;;
I'm glad most of you enjoyed the cosplayers pic from my last post. Unfortunately the guy who cosplayed as a box of pocky wasn't on there!! >< Fortunately, I found a found a picture of him for you to enjoy:
See you guys later! ^^//
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