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Monday, February 20, 2006
Busy Busy
Man, its been a bust weekend for me!! Me and my family are remodeling our entire kitchen. So on Saturday, we ripped out the cabinets, the countertops, the floor, EVERYTHING!! That took all day to do. Then on Sunday, we put in new flooring, new cabinets, and installed a dishwasher. (we didn't have one before. We live in a very old house!) We still need to put the new countertop and stain the cabinets. Even right now the kitchen looks alot better! I wish we coulda taken before and after pics to show you guys, but nobody thought of that before we started working. Maybe I can find other pics that we took in the past or something. It looks very different!! ^__^
I remember I mentioned buying some stuff off of eBay on my last post. Well, this weekend I got 2 of them. XD First, on Friday I got the 4th InuYasha movie!! XD It was so good!! I loved it!! Then, on Saturday I got all the episodes of DNAngel!! (my cousin's gonna be so jealous! :P) I didn't have time to watch all the episodes unfortunately. -_- I only got up to ep. 15 or somewhere around there. (I haven't seen all the eps yet. ^^;;) Nicky-chan's watching it with me and he's liking it alot so far. ^^ I'm thinking of taking it (its a dvd set, btw) to A-Kon to have Vic Mignogna(sp?) sign the pic of Dark that's in there, since he's gonna be there at A-Kon again this year. ^__^ (He does the voice of Dark in case ya didn't know) I've already gotten him to sign my FullMetal Alchemist poster of Ed. See?:
I'm so proud of that aren't I? Lol, that's a Vic-fangirl for ya!! :D My brother wants to meet him, since he hasn't yet. ^__^
I saw a couple of movies this weekend too. I saw 'The Fog' (The new one). It sucked! The old one directed my John Carpenter was way better! (His movies are awesome!! 'The Thing' is my favorite of his! ^__^) I also saw 'The Brothers Grimm'. That movie was good. It was really funny!! :D Heath Ledger was acting very...feminine on some parts. Me and my mom kept saying that he was practicing for 'Brokeback Mountain'. Lol. But yea, its a really funny movie! Hyde!! <3 (Oh yea, next month's theme will be Hyde. I've got everything ready for it already. I just need to choose which L'arc~en~Ciel song to put. We'll see. ^^)
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