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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
To make my parents proud of me. ^^
Drawing, playing video games, chatting, Internet,
Drawing, I guess ^^;
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Hi!! ^^
I feel better today. I didn't talk to my mom about my boyfriend yet. I really didn't wanna be the one to bring it up but knowing my mom, she'll bring him up soon. -_-' I'll talk to her then.
Anywho, I got kinda kinda bored last night but really wasn't in the mood for drawing so I worked a little bit on my InuYasha fan fic. I think I'm gonna change things around before I submit the first chapter to MediaMiner. I'm in the middle of chapter 5 but there's some stuff even in the first chapter that I wanna change. ^^;;; I haven't been working on the fic that much but I'll post up the first chapter eventually. ^^;;;
I got art class today! Wheee!! ^__^ We've recently started using charcoal and I've just discovered how much I love it! XD I think we're still gonna use it today so that'll be awesome! Lol, on friday while working we had to look at eachother's drawings-in-progress to see what needed improvements and what works well, sorta like a critique except that the drawings (which were still-life, btw) were unfinished. 2 guys looked at mine (they're sorta the 'class clowns' btw) and out of nowhere said that it needed more ducks...or dancing penguins...^^;; They make funny comments like that all the time. Lol BTW, the drawing that they were talking about is actually one of my best drawings this semester. Its not completely finished but if I can work on it and finsh it today then maybe I'll show you guys sometime soon. ^^ (I may even add the ducks for amusement! Lol, j/k)
I need to decide on a new theme for next month. I'm gonna work on it on Friday but I still need to decide what the new theme will be. I'm thinking Metroid for some reason. I've been wanting do one. I can't think of anything else. Any suggestions would be great. ^^
BTW, if you haven't checked out my wallpapers, plz do so. Comments are greatly appreciated (I'll even give you cookie!! :D). :P
Talk to you guys later! ^^//
Here's a piece of fan art that I found.

I'm not sure if its Ed or not but whoever it is, he's frikken' hot! XD
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