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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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InuYasha, FMA, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, alot of other....^^; too many to list!
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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Monday, May 22, 2006
Hi! ^^/
First of all, if you haven't read saturday's post yet, the only thing you guys missed was that I'm feeling better. Then I continued with my mindless ramble. lol
Anywhos, I don't know why but I keeo forgetting to show you guys an AMV that I made a couple months ago. ^^;; Gomen! Anyways, here it is for you guys to see! Its another FMA AMV and its to Vic Mignogna's version of 'Brothers'. I know, I know, who hasn't made an AMV to this song? BUt plz watch it, I tihnk its one of my better videos, so it would be nice if you could watch it. ^^:
 Click to see Video
Okie dokies! ^^ Anyways, I mentioned on saturday that I would be going to an anime store on sunday (yesterday) with a couple of friends. Well, we did and it was fun. ^^ Where to start? Hmm...well, after getting off the train, we had to wait for the bus. I remember while waiting, Stephen decided to put his top hat on me (he was wearing a top hat, for reasons I do not know other than that he is a very random person who would do something like that. ^_^). Lol, we discovered that his hat fit over my entire head! Man, we had a good laugh about that and that pretty much stuck with us the entire day! XD Later, we finally reached the anime store and I bought a DNAngel wall scroll (which I haven't found a place on my wall yet) and a Yuki hat! :D They had the DNAngel and Loveless art books that I really wanted but they were really expensive! >_< I was also hoping they would have Evil's Return Vol. 4 there, too. Most (if not all) of you probably haven't heard of that manga series, but its a really good series. Its pretty short (the 4th volume is the last volume) but its pretty good. Plus, the art in it is SOOOO good!!! XD I bought the first 3 volumes at last year's A-Kon for only $15. I'm bad with plot descriptions but you can get an idea of what its about at Here's a direct link to the description (since I know some of you may have dial-up and I knowit can be pain to wait for pages to load): Clicky clicky! Anyways, if it looks interesting to you, I suggest checking it out sometime.
Gah! I seem to have wandered off-topic, yet again! ^^;;; Sorry about that. Anywho, after that I wore my Yuki hat the rest of the day, though i did have to take it off every now and then since it was hot. We did get strange looks from strangers, but, really, who cares? Its not like I'm ever gonna see those people again so why care what they think? ^^ After leaving the anime store, we went to Chili's to eat. After that, it was back to the train station and to figure out where to go next on our little journey. ^^ Alot of places were closed by that time, so there was alot of walking and random conversations. We did stop by this ice cream place. cream. ^__^ That was last place we went to before my mom called me and said she wanted me home (it was kinda late, already and I had to babysit today). So they took me home and then I went to sleep (everyone else in my house was already in bed when I got there (except Nick) and I didn't wanna be a bother so I went to bed, too). ^^ So, yea yesterday was fun. :D
I would talk about something else but this post is pretty long already. PLus, I don't know what else to talk about anyway! :P See you guys tomorrow!! ^^//
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