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Sailor Moon came out ^^
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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t been here for awhile. I had some things to do yesterday so I haven’t able to update. Gomen nasai. *bows*
And the reason I wasn’t here on Friday was b/c I felt like changing up my theme for MyO. ^^ As you can see, the new theme is RE4. I felt it was appropriate for my current addiction to the game. Lol. I hope it looks ok. Let me know what you think. ^___^
Also, I have some A-Kon pics to show you! I’ll only show you guys a few a day since there’s about 18 of them so far. I say ‘so far’ cuz there’s still a few in the roll of film that’s still in my camera. I don’t know what else to take pics of so I can hurry up and get those developed as well. I’m starting to think I should resort to getting a digital camera. ^^;;; Anywho, I only wanna post a few because it would take awhile to post all of them as well as leave my comments/descriptions on each one. Plus, it would probably take awhile for the page to load if there were a lot of pics to load. Anywho, here’s the first few:

I have no idea who this guy was cosplaying as but I thought he looked really cool so I decided to take his pic, anyways. Doesn’t that costume look awesome, or what? XD

Its Mario and Luigi!! XD Who wouldn’t love those costumes? I love the way they posed for the pic, too. XD

OMG! Someone was dressed as a hot dog! Not anime-ish but very funny and amusing!

Ok, everyone all at once: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!! XD Isn’t she just adorable!? She’s a little catgirl, btw. And a cute one, too. ^_^

Ok, this guy’s costume was one of the best Cloud’s that were there so I wanted to get a pic of him. Only thing was…he didn’t pose!!! >.< He just stood there. If I’d of known that he would’ve just stood there I wouldn’t have taken his picture. -_- But I didn’t see that many Clouds and I wanted to get a pic of at least one of them. *shrug*
Well, that’s all for today. I’ll have more tomorrow. ^^
In other news, I read more manga over the weekend. I read Vol. 1 and 2 of Death Note. It’s a really good series so far and I’m glad I decided to pick up the first 2 volumes. Now I gotta get the 3rd one. I’m not sure if Vol. 4 is out yet but if it is, I gotta get that one, too. ^_^ My brother also read them too and he really likes it, too. Its hard to get him to like something he’s never heard of beforehand. I don’t remember if this was during last week or if it was over the weekend, but I did get to read Vol. 22 of Rurouni Kenshin! It was really good (of course). Gotta pick up Vol. 23! :D
BTW, thanx to all that commented on my new art pic. ^__^ Even my mom commented on it! She rarely does that! Lol Anyways, cookies and ice cream to all who commented and/or voted!! XD
Not much else to talk about. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!! ^^//

I always found it weird that Leon could heal himself with chicken eggs! Lol
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