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Drawing, I guess ^^;
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hi! ^^/
Here’s the last of the A-Kon pics. If you missed the pics from yesterday or the day before, plz check the archives. ^^ :
I know, these pics didn’t come out too good but these are the only ones I have of Vic Mignogna dressed as Cloud!! (If you remember my A-Kon posts, you might remember me talking about Vic coming into the Voice Actor Panel dressed as Cloud.) I really wish the pics came out better cuz the costume was really good! >_< Oh well, hopefully these are helpful. If I can find some better ones online, I’ll show them to ya’ll (the cameras were going off like crazy so I’m sure there’s a lot flying around the internet somewhere.)

Its Pence! Yea, there were a lot of KH2 cosplayers this year. They were mostly Sora, Roxas, and Kairi costumes, though. This was the only Pence cosplay (that I saw anyways. ^^;).

Have you seen that many KH2/FF7 cosplayers in one pic before? Well, now you have. I hate that little bright spot in the bottom left but at least it didn’t cover the entire pic. ^^ Oh, and btw there were a lot more than what you see in this pic. I meant to get the other half, but security came and told them to stop posing for pics since they were "blocking traffic". Stupid Security. >_<

This is my little brother Nick with Vic Mignogna. I also took a pic with him but I didn’t like the way I looked in the pic, so you guys shall not see that pic! :P And before anyone asks, I did ask Nicky-chan if I could post his pic on here. ^__^ He didn’t mind. ^__^

Lol, this was one of my favorite Ninja cosplayers! He was just leaning on the pillar (like a ninja) acting like no one can see him. Me and this girl who was also taking pics played along and was like, "There’s just something about this pillar, I just have to take a picture! *takes picture*" XD Lol.

These are my friends Stephen and Julie. This was on Sunday on the train after A-Kon. Aren’t they cute? ^__^
So that is all for the A-Kon pics. For now anyways. There are more but they are still on the roll that’s in my camera.^^;; I don’t know what to waste the rest of the film on. I really need a digital camera, huh? ^^;
On a sadder note, my pet gerbil (Jesse) died yesterday. >_< Me wuved my little gerbil. But he was pretty old so it was just a matter of time before he died. But it was still sad. I buried him in our backyard. Later that day, my parents decided to "go out" and they came home with 2 small rats (they knew I liked rats)! I was like, "Ya’ll sure do like to replace pets fast, don’t ya?" (I didn’t say it, but I thought it ^^;) But it was nice for them to do that. ^^ They’re really cute. They’re both Black & white, but I did end up naming one ‘Yuki’. lol I was joking with Nick, saying that black and white like an Onigiri and then was like, "hey, let’s name the other one ‘Onigri’!" (totally kidding of course) and Nick was like "Yea, let’s do that!" Me: "Really? You serious?" Nick: "Yea!" Lol, so the other one’s name is Onigiri, "Oni" for short. Lol. Btw, sorry if my rat story creeped anyone out. I know a lot of people don’t like rats (for some odd reason) so if I creeped anyone out, I apologize. *bows*
I think from now on, I’ll post funny pics at the end of my posts. Whether it’s a funny web comic (like the last 2 days) or just a plain weird (but funny) pic (like today). ^__^ Today, is a pic of a Giant Oreo!

Wow, I could never eat that whole thing! And I LOVE Oreo’s!!! XD
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