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myOtaku.com: vash-san

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

   Oh woe is me....WOE IS ME, well not really... =p
Oh man. This blows. As every self-respecting hombre will probably not admit to, I love the concept of dating two girls at once...The forbidden fruit, ya know. Well, it seems that idea ain't the greatest when the one gurl you are with is pretty good but not excellent, and the other gurl is the one you were after for quite some time but moved on, sort of. Well, as strange as this may sound I dont like it anymore. I dunno what ta dooooooo! I thought i loved this one gurl till she hurt my feelings, and didn;t even feel anything for it.....but this new gurl is a risky decision. She may just be playing around or she might be serious, if shes serious then its probably a great choice, she loves video games, is funney, cute as a button, and doesn't plan on leaving Texas for school any time soon. I just don't know.

In related news, school blows donkey ballz, work is a pain in the keister, and my boss needs to fall on a sharp stick. Besides not comprehending that i have a life, currently a girlfriend, and a full-time school-load. i also have 19 projects from that douchebag due by monday. AS WELL AS Semester exams. Oi, i kinda hope i accidentally take too many meds one night and dont wake up...hopefully it'll be the night the astros win the world series!

Thats all the whining from me, i'm chuckin the duece on this shiznight!!!

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