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myOtaku.com: vash-san

Monday, May 15, 2006

Decided to go to the Army last month:

Bascally they'll pay for everything for the rest of my life if i get in. The only downside is that i have the possibility of dying. But if that happens i don't ever have to pay for another thing in my life, cause it'll be over. Plus the fact i wil get to do sh*t i wont ever get to tell anyone about. That's pretty fly actually. Next update.

Change of Pace

Changed girlfriends, twice, in since the last time we spoke. Hopefully for the better. I f*cked up though. The girl i am dating now was friends with the latest ex. Actually its a longer story than that. My latest ex, we'll call eve for short, helped me all the night before Shiokazecon, get dressed up and sewed all the costume and all that jazz. Mind you, we were friend-with-benefits at the time, and that was going well, about as well as those things can go. So i go to the Con and get myself a girlfriend. Well, then comes the sh*t. Sky, short for current g/f, and Eve talked to each other, with me present, and now i think Eve is... i really don't know. She sweat and bled as a friend to help me get ready for that Con, and for me to turn around on a relationship like that was really f*cked up. I just didn't see that until it was too late. I mean friends-with-benefits don't work when one of the people is in a relationship, but i wanted to be with Eve for so very long. I guess i still do. But she won't even talk to me anymore. I felt, fell like sh*t cause i didn't take her feelings into consideration, yet again. That's why we broke up in the first place. I care, i just don't know how to show it. Anywho. Next update.

Leaving my job

I am being replaced while at my current job. Not just in technical fields, but all around. Marketing, Repairs, Server Maintenance, scripting, Web site management. All that jazz. It's just odd, to have someone come in and say, "I am going ot be taking your job in the next few weeks, teach me everything i need to know to do your work" and then have to teach them or leave. Or better yet teach them and get told to leave anyways. Sort of poop-creek either way i look at it.

If you saw a Paladin Anderson from hellsing at that Con, that was me. And if you got all your weapons confiscated, well that was because of me too. n_n' sorry guys but my friend cut his hand on one of my blades and ended up with HPD rushing people with any weapons. Kinda sucked all around but the rest of the con was pimpadelic. I saw Johnny Young bosch there, and got a pic with the dude that play the english voice of edward elric on FMA, and a Picture witht he english voice actor for Asuka in Evangelion: Neon Genesis. It was awsome. Thats the big update for you all, have fun with the gossip and leave any comment you wish. See ya'll later.

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