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myOtaku.com: Vaz1201

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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CrazyWhiteCracker (03/04/06)

hi nice site.i also like your wallpapers.well im gonna add u as a friend and i hope you will do the same 4 me.until next tim,bye

msyugioh123 (12/12/05)

cool cloro's i like the aivtar

Blade51 (11/24/05)

I like your site its really cool I added you as a friend.

WitchHunterfan (11/20/05)

Hey there ^_^
Nice site you got here... coolness... lol.... sorry for not saying much... I'm bored...
If you may need any help with your site or just wanna talk... I'm here all the time ^_^
And please come by my site if you want... I'll add you as a friend... And You may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see ya later ^_^

DarkYami (08/24/05)

Hey! love your e-cards and wallapaers. i see that you like yu-gi-oh too. (so am i. i'm a big fan! REALLY big. lol) i'll add you as a friend!
TTYL! ^_^

forbiddenchild13 (06/27/05)

WAZZ UP!!!!!!???????
I liked yer e-cards. luvin the colors ya used fer yer site too. and i agree w/u on the FACT the Yu-Gi-Oh! is awsome!

Streetfighter (06/25/05)

Hi there! ^.^ I really like your e-cards, especially the video game and Yu-Gi-Oh ones. Did you draw any of them? Just curious.

katkat12 (05/26/05)

nice site hope ya post more about samurai 7 ^__^
really lyk ur colors adding ya as a freind O.K?

Kaganui (05/21/05)

Meow! Hello there! Hehe!

Syaoransgrl (05/17/05)

Like your site! The colors are fun and hipper!!!^^ Come by and sign my GB when you get the time. Hope we can be friends!^^


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