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part time ninja >.>
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Being able to sleep when my neighbors are playing loud annoying music.
Anime Fan Since
Second grade. I've seen anime before but didn't know it was anime until 2nd grade...yea...
Favorite Anime
No favorite
Become a black belt :D
Drawing, taekwondo, sometimes writing when I get inspiration, eating. Yes. I consider eating a hobby. XD
I have the power to ignore even the most irritating people.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Eh...I think I'm sick...
Must have caught my step sister's cold or something. I can't breathe through my nose and I sound wierd when i speak. It sucks. I went to Vagary's house today. I played DDR for a while and got really sweaty and nasty. I swear if you play enough you can lose a few pounds. xD
I'm not that good at it but it's fun. legs still itch from those damn mosquito bites. I think there's at least 15 on one leg and a few more on the other. I got all of them while sitting in my front yard. I don't usualy do sit outside and the one time I do, grrr.... -_-
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Mosquito bites suck. My legs are itching and bumpy all over. I've been bitten so many times. You can play connect the dots on it. Grrr...
So I've finished reading Harry Potter. I would've been done sooner but I'm kinda lazy now. Well anyway I liked it. It's really long. But I liked it. I have nothing to read now. Need to go to the bookstore. But whenever I go there I never see anyhting interesting. Eh...
No pic today. But I have a video of old Nikelodeon cartoon intros. I miss these shows.
*sniff* xD
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Harry Potter
I have the last Harry Potter book. The thing it, I didn't expect to get it and I didn't finish the 6th one yet. xD
My uncle came home the other day with a book. I thought it was for him. Then he says to me,
"I got something for you", He gave me the book, I looked at the cover. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Sweet. I don't know how he got it but uh...whatever. =p
My buddy Vagary's in Canada and I'm bored out of my mind. GOSH! -_-
I'm trying to keep myself evtertained. I've been on this site. Giaonline. It's some online hangout or something. So I go there everyday...and...yea...
Gee there's really nothing to talk about here. Eh...

I miss this show...
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Friday, July 20, 2007
So I went to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with vagary and her cousin. Yeaaaa. It was...not great. Not the best Harry Potter movie I've seen.
I think I've found a new favorite drink. I'm currently addicted to Gatorade. Why? I don't know but hey, It just happened. I can't think of anything else to tell you guys sooooooooooo I'm off!
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Ah...this sucks...
I'm itching to draw. I look at fanart and pictures and I just wana draw draw draw. BUUUUT! I have a problem. Either I don't have any ideas and I stare at the blank sheet of paper for hours and hours. OR I have an idea but whenever I start to draw it, the picture doesn't come out right. And then I get frustrated and break my pencil. >.>
Oh and I've changes the little video I have. It's a nice little AMV ( It's and AMV right?? ) of Ouran Highschool Host Club with the Pinky and the Brain opening. <3
So other than that I have nothing to say. No funny random stories to tell you guys. xD
So I'm off....
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Computer id Fixed!
So my computer's not a piece of crap anymore. Sweet. Now I can comment and do stuff...
Just letting you know...
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Friday, June 15, 2007
DaMn Computer..... -_-
While sitting here waitng for my EasyMac to cool, I decided to update. Hopefully It cools by the end of this post. I still can't comment you guys or anything. I have no idea why and I'm trying to figure it out now. I can't watch anything on YouTube either. Hmmmm.... I wonder what the problem is...
*Checks EasyMac*
Damn. Still hot. Oh I didn't go to school today. There's some BBQ somewhere and I can't go. Don't really care though. I got to sleep in today. :)
But now I have nothing to do! Grrr. >_<
Blah, bordem is so bad...It make you do stupid things for entertainment.
*Checks EasyMac again*
Sweet. Time for me to eat. x]

lol <3
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
And just a quick post...
My computers skrewy and i can't comment any of you guys. Just letting you know.... >.>
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
People!! Wuzup? My internet is down so I'm using my friend's computer. I know in my last post I said my step mom was in the hospital. Well, she's alright now. Just to imform you on that.
It's hot as hell right now. I'm barely moving and it just feels like...blech... -_-
I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my computer. I don't know why I can't get on the internet. It's kind of annoying. There's nothing to do in my house except go on the computer! T.T
I'll live though. xD
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
My step mom passed out at work today...
She's going to the hospital. Her and my step sis just left about 30 minutes ago. Hope she's alright.
Well that's pretty much the highlight of my post. I have the sudden urge to play DDR again. I think I might be addicted... >.>
And I'm bored. I'm sitting here with my ricekreispies bar trying to figure out what to do. Homework would be a good idea but uh, no. Hmmmm....let me ponder for a while....
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