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Friday, October 20, 2006
Half Day!!
Had a half day today...but I had to take tests....=\
Now I don't know what to do >.> I'm hujngry...hmmm...anything else? Oh and tomorrow's an Indian holiday, and my parents are hindu, sooo...i have to go to church with them....greeeeeat....yea...that about it.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Damn....haven't been here at all lately.....
I really don't know what to say. Uh...how's everyone???? XDDD
So anyway, I got my orange belt in Tae kwon Do. And I got a trophy. Me happy...<3
Nothing much else...yea...and I changed my layout. Tell me if you can see the text.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
so uh....hi....haven't been here in a looooooooong time....what's up with you people? I've been watching Reach Girl on Youtube. It's pretty ok....I'm addicted to it XDD
Lemme see...what else??? Oh right. Did I tell you people I got my yellow belt? Got it a long time ago but I don't know if I told you...I really should update more...-_-
And I just figured out how to make a shiruken out of paper! ^^
I feel proud of myself...hehe...yea....pretty much it....
I like this pic....but I don't know what happened to the rest of her outfit.....XDDD
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
quiz quiz quiz
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
I'm hungry...and this little girl is annoying me. I can't believe I haven't fliped out yet. I think she's family. But I'm not sure. And I'm looking at my popularity ranking, and it says, "Unknown"...and now it says ,"Down Again :'-("...
That happening to you people too??? And I just got letters from the school. I have to go pick up some thingy on the 2nd, school starts the 5th, and the 6th is something...idk...
When does school start for you people?
Couldn't find a good pic. So Here's one of my previous signatures on AnimeGalleries.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Well my dad di sign me up for the Tae Kwon Do program...
So I can go everyday now for three years. And I figures out my test is Saturday. I want to take it. But I'm not sure...'cuse there's still shit that I don't know. So...yea...I think I'll wait. My dad said they have tests every two months. So I might take the next...'cause i', gonna look like a fuckin dumbass......yea....

mMmMmmmMmmMm.....SnICkerS Are GoOd...<3
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
So sorry...
If I had a gun right now I'd fucking shoot everyone. It seems like all of a sudden everyone has a problem with me.And every fucking thing I do is a problem. There's so many things pissing me off right now I'm this close to breaking the fucking keyboard. My dad seems to think I have some huge attitude problem and I can't do anything anymore without him getting on my case. And the shit that pisses me off the most is that I might won't be able to continue Tae Kwon Do.
You see. I was on some free trial thing, for six weeks, to see if I liked the program or not. And afterwards if I did, I could join the school if I wanted to. Now next Tuesday is the last day of the trial. And My dad was apeaking with the grandmaster abut how much it will cost. He said it was more expensive than he thought. And he asked me if I want to go look at other schools. Now you see, I wasn't exactly in a good mood today, so this just made it worse. He's too fucking cheap. And becausse of that, I cam't continue. And I really really really like it there. And everyone there is so nice. But becouse of his cheap ass I can't go anymore....
I'm sorry but I had to getthat out. I'm still so fucking pissed I could smash someone's face right now. But I'll stop. If you've read this...wow....
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
I wanna do stuff with my site...But I dunno what...Anyone got any ideas???
I'm bored...
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Time To bore you again...
I misseed Tea Kwon Do on Monday...So I have to go on Saturday...Hm..lemme see...I'm playing Castelvania right now. And drinking soda <3..got nothing else to do....
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Friday, August 11, 2006
A few changes...
Well I finaly took out the Naruto video I had on my page...I loved that one..<3
Yea and I put up two more. The first is Animaniacs and the second is a J-rock vid. Pretty funny by the way. And I ttok out my color bars. I'm keeping my box thing though...Even though no one posts in it I still like it. XD
ANd my relatives are leaving tomorrow at 6 something...And it's wierd..They've been here for two weeks and today is the day I had the most fun with all of them...meh...w/e...
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