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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I'm sooooooo sorry about not being here for a week. AGAIN!!!!!! Ok yeah so lots of stuff have been going on. Like in the mornings had to get my hw done. This is my last week of hw. YAY!!!!
Vegeta: I didn't get to bother you on your hw this year.
VD: Well there's always next year. ^^ And besides I bet you had better stuff to do than bother me.
Vegeta: True.
VD: Anyway On friday we had the reading carnival. I had lots of fun. We had like a American Idol type thingy. Which I didn't sing in. I have a fear of stage fright. Then this ranger rick guy came in and had lots of animals. And a millipede which was so discusting. And I got to pet a skunk and a snake. The snake was like ewwww but I liked it. It fely like a lether like breathing creature. It makes me cringe when I think about it.
Vegeta: Breath, your hypervenalating.
VD: Man it waslike so creepy but I liked it.
Vegeta: Yeah calm down it was just a snake.
VD: A snake. It was a freaking boa constirctor.
VD: Ok yeah I better get my mind off of snakes before Oreo returns. Yeah anyway after that I went to see spider man on IMAX with Bre. Then I played tnnis all weekend. Oh and I beat Sephiroth on kh2. YEAH IN YOUR FACE! Then on monday I had a book report due. And Tuesday I had my last band concert. In which everybody found out I was senseative. Now today I have to give a book talk about my book report. So yeah thats it.
Oro: Whats up.
Vegeta: WHATS UP!!! You tried to kill us thats whats up.
VD: Guys. *wacks Oro on the head* I might not trust him and yeah I don't think I have anything to back this up. What are you doing here?
Oro: Nothing inparticular.
Axel: Wanting to get burned.
VD: Well this is interesting. Well laters
Vegeta: Hey get back here you can't just leave.
VD: *teleports*
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Well I'm doing fine today. But I still can't get over the pain. But hey I have different things to talk about. So ya I'm going on to a different subject.
The trip was fun yesterday. I took lots of pictures. I even took one of this boy that doesn't like pictures. He usually runs away. Haha. He's funny like that. Also we went on a train. We got to eat pizza on it. And we went through a tunnel and I was like "into the darkness we go." Steff an I were laughing like evil maniacs. Like MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! In the dark.Then we were making grudge sound and my other friend was like. STOP IT!!!! It was funny. After all that. We went into this fancey hotel. It was buatiful. There were paintings on the celing and a japanese garden in the court yard. And it was huge. Like the tipton hotel on Zack and Cody. So ya. That was my day yesterday.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sorry that I haven't posted for almost a week. I was taking a break. It's not you it's just life. I've been having a hard time during this point in my life. But I don't really like to talk about it. The pain just hurts even though this is an innocent pain. If you would like me to talk about it pm me. At least you won't be confused and the post could make some sense.
Well I would at least would like to say what was going on during my absense on here. I passed my physcal for next year so that way I could get on the tennis team. I might also sign up for crosscountry. Well to stay in top form I've been running, walking, and playing tennis with my dad. Also I've been doing that to get life off my mind. School has been going good. I only have two weeks left and I'm out. Thats something to celebrate. Also been tanning, shopping and the usual. Also Ican tell what my future's gonna be like when I go to high school. I'll be so busy I won't even have time to post. Well I'll atleast try. I promise. ^^ Well I've got g2g. I have a field trip today and I haven't had one for a long time.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Ok I decided to post. Few. I've been busy doing long term reports because this week at our school is no homework week. You know like no doing one day due assignments. They just have you do the assignments in class. Speaking of which in math I have to do this assignment in class but it's taking me two days. But I was going to do that first but she stopped me and made me check this paper that I did awhile back. Then I went to go do the assignment and I was having trouble on one. So I got up to ask her and sh said I should be farther than this. I'm like Ok so I should've done this first then checked the stupid paper. Then she was like go fast but no to fast. *shakes head* Well its not my fault that I'm so slow it's her fault for not being so organized. I really dislike teachers sometimes. Gosh they get on my freaking nerves. Like her. I like her but sometimes she's just to naggy. Nag Nag Nag...
Sorry that this post was boring but I felt like posting.
~On ward towrads the road of life~
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
18 days till Summer Vacation
Not counting weekends. Konichiwa. Sorry I didn't post on friday. I was busy drawing something for Mel to remember me by. Well I told her good bye and that I wished that we could've been better friends and that she alway wouldn't fight with me. So later that day she came up to me and told me that she was sorry then we hugged.
Fluffy: Awwwww thats so sweet.
VD: Fluffy please. *blushes* I really don't like showing the sensative side of me but at times like this I had too. So I walked with her to the door and that was the last time I spoke with her.
Axel: Man VD you sure are sensitive.
VD: *sigh* I know. I know.
Goku: It's ok to show sensitivity once in awhile.
VD: I know but were getting off the subject people.
Everyone: Sorry
VD: So what I learned from all of this is Life goes on. And we just have to head right into it to see what it brings us. And from now on my moto is "Keep moving forward on the road of life."
For now on I'll remember that.
Now I've got to get going. I have stuff to be doing
~Keep moving forward on the road of life
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Man can't talk for long. I have to ride the damn bus this morning. Why? Because my grandma was in a car axcedent. But she's ok but the car's not. So since the car is totaled and she usually drives me. Now I have to ride the bus. But thats ok. I'll just take my cd player, and drown out the sound of those bastards.
So anyway, I'm going on to a different subject. I still haven't talked to Mel. I tried but she got very hyper. -_-' Same old Mel. Always getting hyper. Now I will talk to her today.
Moving on. I didn't get my top braces off yet. But he filled my gap in. YES! Next time I might get them off.
Moving on. My site. I got my first courser thanks to Simpleplanluver.^^ Thanks again.
So use the courser as you wish. ^^
Well I got to get ready for the bus. Damn bus. I usually do this incase of emergancies.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Konichiwa friends and ppl of myo. Hows it going. And I see that in my last post you took a likeing to my theme. Good. ^^ I'm also still working on it. But enjoy. I'm keeping that on there for a long time. Cause thats my favorite. ^^ Also I have Sakura as my icon. She matched and I like it. She's my second favorite girl character on Naruto. Reminder still working on the theme. Not quit finished yet.
Anyway, glad you like it. So I I have to go to the dentis today to get new wires. Now I think I might get my top braces off. ^^ YAY FOR ME!!!! But I'll miss having this peice of metal on my top mouth. Eventhough it gives me freedome. Also yesterday I had no HW because I finished it all in class. YAY!!! Also yesterday this girl was being nasty in the lunch. Well lets just say we had pancakes at lunch. Then she came up to this boy and said, "You can have my pancakes for your sausage." Thats so sick. Well anyway times up gotta go.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
22 Days Till Summer Vacation
Konichiwa. Yes I'm doing the countdown till the last day of school. ^^ Also I'm working on the new theme as we speak. Now I know you guys like Gaara and Vegeta but I like to try a random theme for once. Mabey you could call it a spring theme. -_^ Anyway I'm gonna have to up load it after school but I can't be long on here. I'm waiting for my bf to call. Well he didn't yesterday because he was busy. And ya I completely understand. I need to be busy as well. Heck compared to him I'm totally lazy but hyper, and I like to do lots of activities. ^^ So not much comparason. Except I can be lazy. Like right now.
Holy crap I have to get to working on the theme. Please don't kill me because it's not Gaara or Vegeta. Oh and Thanks for 1200 hits. Your the best.
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Well the weekend sucked for me. But I'm not going to tell on a negetive note. I'm going to tell on a positive note.
Ok first off we got starz and alot of scary movies were on. So I got to see Silent Hill and Dark Water. I thought Silent Hill was pretty good. But it was gross. But I liked it.
I'm still coughing a little. But I'm feeling better. I just don't want to go to school today. I need to hide out somewhere. I don't feel like faceing the teachers today. My axienty is fading but its still there. *sighs* Oh well. (Man I hate school.
Vegeta: Just think, 22 days you'll be gone and the middle school won't ever see you again.
VD: Your right. I'll be out at the highschool next year. YAY!!!! I'll be a freshman. *dances*
Vegeta: Don't forget about summer.
I gotta survive 20 something days now. And work hard enough.
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thanks for making me feel better, you guys. I got at least one problem straighten out. My bf doesn't think I'm annoying and he forgives me for snaping at him. ^v^ But I haven't told Mel goodbye yet because I've been sick and all. No I won't call her, because her parents hate my guts and my grandmother forbids it. So I'm gonna have to tell her at school. But I have until May 1, so no biggy I have plenty of time. But I know that time doesn't mean everything. Because before I know it she'll be gone and if I don't say goodbye to her I'll regretit forever.
So anyway I'm getting off of the subject. I'm still alittle bit sick. So Dad, being the sports freak like he is is gonna take me to play tennis. Yes I want to get on the tennis team but when you don't feel good you don't feel good.
Vegeta: Weakling go out there. It won't hurt you to get out.
VD: But, Vegeta I'm freaking sick, and dizzy.(I think the medicen I'm taking is making me dizzy or its me)
Vegeta: Do you think I care. Now goet out there and play.
VD: Your just being like this because somethings bothering you.
Vegeta: *grabs the colar of my shirt and drags me*
Fluffy: Let her go. She has to get better.
Vegeta: Well to get better she has to train.
VD: *gasps* I can't breath! *coughs*
Thunder: *hits Vegeta*
Vegeta: *lets go*
VD: *hides behind Axel*
Thunder: This poor girl needs to get well and I can't just stand by while some stupid ape tries to drag her off to train.
Vegeta: Stupid ape huh? Well your in for one big treat. We're more than just stupid apes.
Thunder: Then bring it on. Us wolves can be very tricky.
(Yes shes a wolf and Fluffy is a big ball of Fulff. Picture Fluffy as cottin candy. ^^)
Fluffy: STOP!!!!! can't you see she's resting.
Thunder and Vegeta: *looks over at vegeta dude*
Fluffy: See.
Thunder: Great. Now how are we gonna end it.
Vegeta: Let's wake her up and she'll end it.
Fluffy: No. I'll end it. And after I end it I'm gonna give you both a talk for acting like children.
Thunder: I didn't do any thing.
Fluffy: Yeah right. We'll see you all later. Bye.
~VD and Fluffball
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