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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I am so sorry
I tried to get the story on the comp but it messed up. It wouldn't let me post it. I'm so mad right now that I could bust this comp with my own hand. It took me two hours to work on it and it choose the right time to mess up. GRRRRRR! I hate this comp. I think I need to take a break and cool down. I feel like Vegeta when he gets mad. *hits the comp with my fist and breakes it in half.
I hope you had a good Christmas.
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas
The reason I'm doing this early is because I won't be here until Wensday. I'm spending Christmas at my dads. I was going to give you guys a Christmas preasent but I don't have time because i have to get ready. And my grandma gives me a time limit on the internet. Darn it all. As Vegeta would say. (random moment) Anyway I may as well tell you what it is. It was the next chapter to my story.( You know the one with DarkVegeta and Kittygirl) We were on chapter two last time to bring you back to memory. I'm gona give you a preveiw on what happened last time if thats ok. Anyway DarkVegeta was fighting Princess Snake and Inuyasha was bound to his tree. And Kittygirl saved Kagomes life by protecting her and she passed out by the bite. DV turned into a Super Saiyan. (You'll think its rare that a Saiyan girl can turn into a Super Saiyan) Then Princess Snake crushed DV's bones and lucky for her that her boyfriend Vegeta came to save her before she was crused completely. I think you guys got your memory back now. If you still don't know what I'm talking about then go through my post and refreash you memory.
Ok, the next chapter that I'm gona post is gona be about Inuyasha and Vegeta going to fusion into Inugeta. ( Look I drew the guys fusioned together and it didn't go well) I have to go for now. Sorry that I won't be here for Christmas. When I come back that chapter will be a late Christmas preasent. I promise. I'll miss you guys. Have a safe Christmas. *hugs*
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Good morning ^^
Its like almost nine here. Man I was like in the middel of watching Eva last night, and I blacked out for a bit.Oo I haven't been feeling well lately. I've been having all kinds of headachs and I've been blacking out a bit for no reason. I hope its not a tumor.Oo Thats what my friend went to the hospitil for one time because she was having majior headaches and she was blacking out. But it turned out that it might have been something else but they still can't figure out if she has a tumor or not. Mabey I should not worry about it. I get really paranoid at times. *laughs* I think i'll be ok. I don't want to worry you.
Anyway I have a really funny pic to put up here. Here it is.
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/Vegeta12345/Bewarethebigheadedveggey-chan.jpg [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/Vegeta12345/Bewarethebigheadedveggey-chan.jpg[/IMG]
I've never seen him big headed before. Hehehehe
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
I broke up with him.
Hmph, I bet your thinking that that didn't last long. Oh well. He was a fake anyway and he decided to go out with his old girl friend. I was hurt but now i'm better because he wasn't worth crying about.
Anyway when I got home from the party I put I love Vegeta all over my hands and my art folder. At least I have you guys and Bre for getting me through this. *hugs* Friends are wroth keeping than bfs. (no affence to you Daff and Al Im saying some bfs and gfs) Anyway I'm back in my Vegeta moods now. The old Jocelyn is back. I'll never ever go out with someone like that again. I promise. Speaking of which my dad is still sad about his ex. I just wish he'll get over that b***ch.
Ya you'll here alot of rambling about Vegeta. Just try to get used to it. (I know some of you other fan girls are) Lots of hugs to you all.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I am like so glad to get out for awhile. Oh and also I get to see my bf tommorro. My dad told me that I have four video games for Christmas. But he didn't say which ones. Oh then I have anouther one coming if it comes out this month. I did want some DBZ movies but we don't know where to get one. We don't really have video stores that has anime videos. Thats what sucks about my county. We all have to go to some big city to get anime video's or pray that an anime convention comes around. I know crittics are here to make our lives misrible.
Anyway I'm gona have so much fun this year.
Anyway school: Today we had this program thats called Christmas around the world and we had to go to each class to learn about what Christmas means to people in other countries. Oh and we had to learn some languages. It was fun. The classes I went to had countries like Irealand, France, Germany, Romainia, and of course Aulstraila. But I knew all kinds of words from Aulstraila already. I kind of learned from post from my friends that live in Austraila. (you guys know who you are) I just remembered. The words sound fimilure to me and I knew what some of them mean. Exept for billy, and some others. Oh I forgot to mention that we learned about Christmas in Mexico. I was hoping to learn about how Japanize spent their Christmas. We like ate alot and I wasn't hungry at lunch. I was afraid I'll get fat by eating al kinds of junk food today. After lunch we watched The Polar Express. Then I like talked with my friends. Then the fat girl wanted to play war.(card game) I was doing good at the begining then I lost at the end. Grrrrrr! She will pay. I will beat her one day.
Vegeta: OMG!!!
Me: What? I'm really competitive when it comes to losing. Especaily to my enemies.
Vegeta:Oookaaayyyy. *thinking* (She's one weird woman)
Me: I can read your mind.
Vegeta: Will you quit reading my mind!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I'm still going to school tommorro because its movie day and you can't bet that. I'm feeling a little better. but i'm tired. I might be alot better tommorro. I can't wait till we get out. WHOOT! WHOOT! I just love it when we get out every year for Christmas break. ^_^ Then i can stay up real late at night and watch anime. Thats the best part. Besides the part where Christmas is involved. I sound like I'm in the spirit right?
My bf has a cell phone and Bre gave me his cell phone number instead of his home phone because he dosent have a home phone. So he had to call me instead because he tried to put his pin number in his cell, and the batery blew up inside it. So he has to call me until he gets a new batery. I thought that was weird but yet disturbing because I don't want mine to blow up if I put in the wrong pin number. Anyway i have to getgoing later.
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Monday, December 19, 2005
I'm getting sick again. You know what sucks? I'm getting it over the holidays. Oh and I have three days to go until I get out of school. This is hell. Only three days left and I get sick. I wish I could've gotten sick last year. But I do have some good news. No its not my car insurence. Like I have a car.(random moment) Anyway the good news is that Bre gave my bf my number and Bre gave me his number. So yippy i have my bf's phone number! I have to get of I feel like I'm gonna passout any minute. Really. later.
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
I have a boyfriend
Yes I have a boyfriend. I've known him for like two months and it tured out that he had a crush on me. He also had a gf but she was cheating on him. Oh his name is Robby. Just to tell you I don't judge people by their looks. He's cute, he's nice, and he likes to fight. I like danced with him three times yesterday at the dance i had so much fun. To just let you all know I still am a Vegeta fan. My bf kind of reminds me of him. But I'm not gonna go to fast in this relationship. Oh and that fat girl is like so jelous of me. We kind of got in to it with her a few times. Bre was getting so pissed of by her crap. Then my bf was arguing with one of my frends. Me and Steff were like stop fighting you two. Then Robby punched the girl that he was fighting with and accidentally punched me and Steff. Oh and somebody wrote on the bleachers but we don't know who it was. So the princeipal like usual blamed it on somebody. My school is like so stupid. Today I went shopping with my aunt and got my Christmas shopping done. Now I'm pooped and I'm going to visit your sites. Bye. *disappears in to distance*
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I'm waiting on the church bus so I can't stay long. I'm going to the dance with a friend, and she's spending the night with me. I so can't wait till Christmas break. I'm like busy and all as you know and i need a break. Oh in class today when we had extra time I drew a pici of Vegeta that says Christmas head because I was like so bored. And then I made him say, Dude this sucks.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
running out of time
Hey I'm like really busy right now. I had to go to play at a concert. We did great. Oh and I just got finished with my homework. So I'm really sorry to make this short. I'm going to visit you guys while I have time. I think I'll get to a few sites but I'll try to make it up to some of you tommorro. I'm sorry I get really busy when it comes close to the holidays. so I think you guys understand. Well later.
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