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Monday, August 15, 2005
I have to go back to school today.-_-
Well the bad news is I have to go to school. The good news is that my evil little cousin is gone.(whooooooooooo) I feel like an only child again. I have to go. I'll visit your sites later.
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
My cousin was really hyper about DBZ last night
During the show he started to show some signs.( if you know what I mean) I was making fun of Kakorot screaming like a girl. (You know I feel sorry for the guy really) But I was for Vegeta. He got blasted by the spirit bomb and lived. I think the part about Gohans tail at the end is uncut. I don't remember seeing that in the real DBZ. Well later.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
This sucks I have to babysit my 10 year old cousin -_-
I'm taking a friend to the fair with me and my grandma wants me to babysit James. NOOOO!! I might have to chase him around the fair ground while my grandma watches some stupid show with my aunt and uncle. This really sucks. I hope Breanna will forgive me. You should see him after he watches DBZ. He gets really hyper. Well I better go befor my evil cousin jumps on me and breaks my neck.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. Well the good news is that my evil little cousin isn't so evil anymore. But the bad news is that I have to go back to school. (nooooooooooo) The good days of school. Homework, teachers, band, volleyball, the fatgirl, and the starwars freaks calling me godzila. (I'm not fat they just call me that because I'm tall) too bad I can't talk about anime at that school. no one likes it except the starwars freaks. well later.
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
My cosin is driven me nuts
I'm really sorry that i haven't visit you guys in awhile. My cosin is here and I can't go on the internet because of him. He stays on there all the time and my grandma had to unplug it. now i have to suffer for it. I can't stand him. He's driven me nuts!! He's been hideing my stuff from me. Like my comics, my japanise necklace, and my heart rock that I call a jewl shard.( I call it that because it looks like one) Oh and he wrote something in my Vegeta picture that said " I suck at fighting and i'm shorter than a shrimp". * heres something in bedroom* Oh no he tore up my Vegeta shrine. Now he's tearing up my comics. Nooooooooo!!!!!! my Dark Vegeta drawings!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO HE'S KILLING VEGETA!!!!!!!!! * gets chain saw* Excusse me I have to go kill my cousin. I'll see ya all later.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
I went shopping yesterday and ended up takeing a friend with me. We went to the bookstore yesterday and bought my other friend Inuyahsha volume 2. I also saw other manga books. I just found out that they had DBZ manga. (Thank God) My dads going to take me back to by volume 1. ^_^
After we went shopping my friend ended up spending the night with me. I introduced to my friend.*The one that wanted Inuyasha* They got along just fine. She might move to Owensville in November. I can't wait! Then I introduced her to Anime. She liked DBZ. She thought Vegeta's voice sounded rough. *which it is* Then we watched Inuyasha. She liked it to. She thinks Miroku isn't a pervert.0_o I'm off to visit some sites. seeya.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Nothing much
I'm just drawing a crossover comic about Inuyasha and DBZ. I'm not doing it myself my friend's helping me. ( Well she wants to help) She doing the coloring and some of the writing. I'm doing the drawing and some of the dialog. Well, DBZ's calling me. Gotta go
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Its too hot out. They say that the heat index is going to be in between 102 degress to 115 degress. Oh god. I might be having a sleepover to night if my friend calls back. Did you see DBZ last night? Vegeta was so awsome. I like it when he's evil. ^_^ The other night my friend came over and watched with me. As soon as she heard Vegeta talk she screemed into my pillow. I had to screem into my pillow. I just had to let it out. She said that his voice is sooo sexy. *melts into a puddle.
Here's a picture of him. [IMG][/IMG]
*Screems into pillow*
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hi Peoples
I'm back from my awsome weekend.
Saturday: Anime night was great. Inuyasha was awsome.
Sunday: Spent the night at my dads. Did nothing but draw.
Monday: My dad and I went swimming got a major sunburn. *Vegeta walks by and hits me on the back* Me: OWW I HAVE A SUNBURN RIGHT THERE YOU IDIOT!!! Vegeta:...... Me: your such a mineless drone. *Vegeta blasts me* Vegeta:Dose that feel better? Me: NO YOU JUST MADE IT WORSE!!! Vegeta: Good
Today: Did nothing, yet. I have to go before my grandma kicks me off the computer. l8ter.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
200 hits
Thanks for 200 hits you guys. I would like to thank the people who visit my site, signed my gb, added me as a friend, and commented on my post. Thanks ^_^ [IMG][/IMG]
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