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Monday, June 6, 2005
The Weekend
I had a pretty good weekend. It was hotter than heck out here. So instead of going out in the daytime, my dad and I did something at night. We went bike riding on saturday at night. I missed my Anime shows, But it was worth it. We played a little tennis. Something also distubed me. I don't really want to talk about it right now.
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
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Friday, June 3, 2005
I had a good time shopping today. I went to HotTopic, and I saw these anime shirts that were so cool. They had Full Metele Alchimist, Inuyasha, and many more. I went around the mall looking for more but their weren,t any. So I just went to Clares and bought myself some japanisse tatoos and a Japanisse necklace. I also bought myself an orange t-shirt. My goal next time is to find a DragonBall Z t-shirt. I don't care what people think about it. They can just kiss my butt. It's like my grandma thinking that Vegeta's ugly but I don't care.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Freaked out
The words have gotten alot bigger for some reason. I'm freaked out. I signed up at G4 the video game station. My user name is DBZfangirl. Its not like this. you don't get to put picturs up. I'm going shopping in Evensville tomorro. It's the perfect place to shop and have fun. I'm getting me a Videogame Characters and Anime volume 2 tomorro hope you all had a great day.
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I went shopping today and bought my self a new billfold. Its black with flames on it. I threw my old billfold out. It sucked. I thought it was time to go on with a new billfold. Anyway enough with the billfold talk. I have some news. You know about that new DBAF thats comeing out right. I went internet surffing yesterday to find out when it was coming out. I went on to this website that had a post on their. It said that it wasn't true. Some stupid fanboys made it all up. Now I don't know if this is true or not. If it is then we can just kiss DragonBalls butt goodby. It just makes me so mad. First they plan to cancel GT . (I didn't like Gt that well) Then Trunks dresses up like a girl in the lost episodes. (I hated the lost episodes. Sorry about Trunks Youkai Trunks ) Now this.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Part 2
Like I said I had part 2 to this. I've been really busy and all I didn't have time to write this. So sorry. Here it is.
Last time Bulla(thats her real name) ran away from a big huge demon snake. But hopefully they found her. Jdog and her friends took the Inu group to their ship.(They thought it was a camp)
*Vegeta comes out*
Vegeta: Who in the heck are they. Jdog, did u led these outsiders here. Inuyasha: Outsiders...your the ones that are outsiders. Look at your clothes they look worse than Kagome's. Vegeta: What in the heck are you suppose to be...some dog boy? Inuyasha: I'm a demon you idiot. Kagome: Inuyasha... sit boy. (Inuyasha goes down head first) Kagome: Excuse his rudeness. Vegeta: Jdog why did you have to bring them here. vegeta dude: Calm down its not like they work for the abyss.
Vegeta: It's not that we don't need to meddle in their bussiness. vegeta dude: Inuyasha was about to get killed by this big snake like thing. Then Bulla ran away and screamed like a school girl. Inuyasha and his friends wanted to help. Vegeta: And why dose his concern me? vegeta dude: Bulla was almost bitten. Vegeta: okay you have a point. vegeta dude: Their leaving tommoro. Vegeta:What do you mean by that? vegeta dude: Their staying here. Vegeta: If their staying here thier sleeping out side. Goku: I don't know, it looks like that they haven't had a decent place to sleep for weeks. Vegeta: What do I care. All I know is that the dog-boy won't be gettin flees in our ship. Shippo: Whats a ship? Vegeta: um.... Goku and vegeta dude: Nice going, Birdbrain. vegeta dude: Looks like it all up to you. Vegeta: Wait you aren't leaving me...are you? vegeta dude: Ya, your the one that spilled the beans. ( We leave him behind) Vegeta: *looking at the Inu group with discused* What are you morons looking at? *walks away* Miroku: And I thought Inuyasha was hotheaded. Inuyasha: Shutup Monk! Sango: Well guys looks like we're sleeping out again tonight. Kagome: When can we get some decent place to sleep around here. ( Anime walks to them) Animefreak1234567: He's in his stupid bada** moods. Don't take him lightly. Kagome: We get alot of that all the time. Inuyasha: WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!!!! Kagome: SIT BOY!!! (Inu falls down) Inuyasha: ...that?
{in the ship}
Bulma: So did you find the Dragon Ball yet. Pan: No... because someone wanted to meddle in someones bussiness. vegeta dude:It was for a good cause. Raven: We fought a demon snake that was going to kill someone. Bulma: There's demons here? Animefreak1234567: We only saw one. Raven: That dosen't mean that there could be more out there. Starfire: Why don't we ask the dog-boy if there's demons out there. Bulla: De...demons! * starts running* vegeta dude: Bulla, there are no demons that are comeing near here.(something moves the ship) Goten:What was that? * Anime looks out the window* Animefreak1234567: Some 300 foot demon is outside the ship. everyone: WHAT!!! * runs out of the ship* Bulla: Oh my god.
The Inu group's already fighting. It was that stupid snake demon again. Only it was bigger than it was. vegeta dude: Back for more are you? *starts running Goku: Jdog wait!! vegeta dude: HELL BOMB. (still not dead) vegeta dude: Stupid snake. Goku: Jdog, I don't scince any energy at all. (Miroku comes over) Miroku: It must be an Illution. *Takes out his Japinise paper thingy and reavels the true form. Inuyasha aim your Tisika at that tree. Inuyasha: with pleasure. WIND SCARE. *destroys the snake demon, and the illution. Dbz group: Wow.
Inuyasha: Thats the end of you. Cyborg and B.B.: What did we miss. everyone: *Anime fall over* Vegeta:* thinking* Idiots. Raven: Can we go inside now.
While everyone was asleep Jdog took Guru with her and went out looking for the dragon balls.
Guru: Guru Guru Guru. vegeta dude: Will you shutup! man, this robot is a pain in my a**.
Inuyasha: I wonder where she's going? * follows her*
Inuyasha was following her for awhile. She finally went back on the ground. Inuyasha made his approuch (i don't know how to spell that) on her. Inuyasha: Where do you think your running off to? vegeta dude: Inuyasha? * noise in the trees* ??????: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
* falls down on Inuyasha and vegeta dude. Inuyasha and vegeta dude: Vegeta?!! vegeta dude: Now I have everyone following me. Inuyasha: Will all of u just get off of me!!! *gets off* Vegeta: Why are you all out here in the middle of the night. vegeta dude: why are all of you following me?
Inuyasha: If it wasn't for that thing of your's we wouldn't have been following you. vegeta dude: Okay, dose anyone have a screw driver. Vegeta: *hands one to me*
vegeta dude:Thanks. *starts taking guru apart* Thats better. Vegeta and Inuyasha look at me in staring eyes. vegeta dude: What?
Vegeta: You just killed guru.
vegeta dude: So.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
| Dark Vegeta has fragile contents which may break! |
You can call me by this name.
Im just bored right now.
On Saturday I stayed up untill 1 a.m. watching a Inuyasha movie on Adult Swim. On Sunday I played Tennis with my dad. Monday did nothing. I'm out of school by the way. The only thing I did today was work on my comic.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Liers Bullies and Users
Liers, Bullies, and Users.
Their all losers.
Poem by:
vegeta dude
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

This Mystery Pic Came From
I only have two days of school left.Oh ya, up there are just pics. Today I also heard a rumor going around that dragon ball is over. Is this true? I went to St. Louis for a band compition. We got first place in National. I'm so happy.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
My japanese name is і Iino (rice field) O Michiyo (three thousand generations). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Wow.My dad's Philapino girl frind(I dont know how to spell that)told me that my name would be Jocelyn in Jappaneis.(same as in America)Anyway,u know that fat girl that ive been talking about.Well she went to her friends house yesterday.And it looks like her friend put a cigaratte in her purse.She did not find out untill this morning at school.Then after lunch we went out side and she was having problems.Thats when i found out.While she was talking to me this one girl was listening and then she went and told Stacy.(the girl who put the cigarattein her purse)So, even though i didn't want to I had to help her.Then Stacy and her group showed up.And Stacy's 8th grade goth friend told the fat girl of and telling her that Stacy is better than eveyone else.I got sooo mad.I was about to tell an 8th grader off. If Stacy gets all in my face and threatens me.There's going to be a fight up in here.I'm serious!!!
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