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Since Goku beat the crap out of Freizza
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Its been a long time since i last posted.Man I'm bored.Oh'I to my aunts house and rode a four weeler.Then my cosin wanted me to check his tires and spladerd mud all over me.(I'm going to kill him)any way I might have some pics.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
I'm on my friends computer talking right now.Its her B-day.And I asked her if i could use her computer.Im watching blade trinity.It took me a while to get on her.they thought that I wasn't vegeta dudeAnd i just now saw a vampire biteing another vampire.COOL!!!Ihave some pics
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I had fun at the 5th quarter last night.they had DDR there also.All I did was play DDR.I had like, a hundred chalenges and I beat them all.Well mabey I lost 2 or three challenges.Yesterday at school I got in a fight with that stupid fat girl.But I told her of and said that she needs to grow up.She says that no one likes me.Then I said that no one likes her because she's a butte hole.And then this one girl said that she liked her. Then i thought to my self that she sould just go on ahead kissing her butte.Then someone told on her and now shes getting a detention.^_^
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
I did it
I know how to do html!All I need to do is put my pics on seperat post^-^Anyway I'm doing good.I'm going to a party tommoro that last from 7 till 10.I'm going to have so much fun.I just have to get rid of this cold.And I have 16 days of school left.I can't wait.l8ter
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Well the html didn't go so well.My pic did not show.I'm Making a comic of mine adout DBZ(Wit my own characters and some from DBZ)Its called DBZ soul fighters.It's about these 6 girls that get powers.(3sayjins 3 summoners)And they are teleported by Vegeta's grandson Veg.And they join forces with Vegeta Veg and Gohaan.I turns out that the have to save a soul from the evil Galiexa.have to go.
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Friday, April 22, 2005
It was worth a try.*anime fall down*
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Sick for two days
I've been out of school for two days.I have this cold and ive been puking up stuff.Its really sicknig.I know how to do html. and im going to try it in a litle bit.*cough*cough* And I have some bad news.DBGT has been canceled because of toonami.It was ok where it was and they had to cancel it.It's on every night monday through thursday.But my bed time is at i won't see it for like a month.I get out of school on the ninetenth. But when I go back to school in August I won't see it for like eight months.Thanks alot toonami now we wont see dragonball again since u canceled it.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Bra's In Trouble and Vegeta's Feelings
Last time we met a demond named Inuyasha.Appearently Inuyasha was in trouble with another demon.If it wasn't for vegeta dude and her frinds he would have been dead.
Songo:Come on we can find her on Kilala.
Pan:Thats ok we can fly.
(The Inu group looks at us with shocking eyes)
Kagome:How did u do that?
Everyone thats flying:uhuhuhuhuhuh
Inuyasha:Duh of chorse they can fly.Their from a different demintion like Kagome.
vegeta dude:Of chores we are.Now stop talkin and lets find her.
Inuyasha:Okay fine.geish...crabby.
We fly for a little while tring to find Bra.Then we hear a loud scream.I fly over to where I heard the scream then I found Bra.
She was hiding in the bushes.
There was a snake in front of her ready to strike her.
vegeta dude:Bra watch out!
I blocked the snahes attack.Preventing it from bitting her.
vegeta dude:Darn it bit me.Bra what were u thinking.Vegeta would've killed us if he found out that u were hurt.
Bra:Sorry that I hate big giant snakes.
Pan:Okay we found her lets just get back to the shi...I mean camp.
Bra:u want to come with?
(Miroku touches her)
Miroku:sure we would love to.
(Bra smacks him)
Bra:hands off.
The Ship:
Vegeta's watching T.V, Chichi's making lunch an, Videl and Gohan are helping Bulma checking the computer systems.Goku's training.Cyborg,BB,and Robbin are playing video games.Gotens reading a magizine in his room.Trunks is about ready to talk to his dad.
Trunks:Whats love?
(Anime fall down)
Vegeta:Why are u asking me this for?Go ask your mom.
Trunks:What I ment to ask is,how do u tell a girl that u love her?(Anime fall down)
Vegeta:Ask her out take her out to the bar give her a beer then kss and say good bye.Who are u in love with anyway?
Vegeta:Who is this Jdog?
Trunks:Don't tell me ur mad at her cause she beat u this morning.
Vegeta:No I just.....don't like her adittude.
Trunks:What are u saying she's the love of my life(walks away)
Vegeta:good ridins.
(Goku walks in)
Vegeta:Oh,Its u.
Goku:Hay,are u mad at Jdog.
Vegeta:No.okay ya.
Goku:Dude u need to stop beeing mad at everyone.She won u lost.u'll get ur revenge back.
Vegeta:Ya,right.(smiles)Kakorot,don't call me dude I'm not a stoner.
Forest almost to the ship:
Kagome:Hay vegeta dude,are you fome the future?
vegeta dude:No Anime and I are from the present.The rest of my friends are from the future.
Kagome: I'm from the present.My friends are in the past.
Pan:Here we are.
Songo:Thats some camp.
(I see Goku sitting by the ship)
vegeta dude:Hay Kakarot!
Animefreak1234567:I never heard u say that befor.
vegeta dude:Its a habbit.
Goku:(Waves)Hay who are they?
Animefreak1234567:This is Inuyasha,Kagome,Songo,Miroku, Shippo, and Kilala.
Goku:Hay,waz up.
The others look at each other like whats that mean.
Kagome:It's slang.
Vegeta comes out.
Vegeta:Who are they?
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Friday, April 8, 2005
The Demon Named Inuyasha
I fly to the other girls and give them all fives.
Pan:yha u go girl.
Bra:nice job.
Raven:(gives Thumbs up)
Starfire:(jumping up and down)
Animefreak1234567:Hit'em where it hurts!.
Vegeta:Hay,thats not fair.
vegeta dude:Well,u where already down for ten secends and u lost.
Vegeta:Thats only in boxing u numskull.
vegeta dude:Well excuss me i'm not the loser that lost to a thriteen year old.
Vegeta:TAKE THAT BACK!!!!!
vegeta dude:Loser!!
Vegeta:Dime store manican.
vegeta dude:Idiot
Then he grabs my legs and I pull his hair.
Raven:Here we go again.
Then Anime comes over there with a pan hits us both on the head.
Animefreak1234567:Why don't you all just shut up NOW!
I still have a hold on his hair and I like practicly pulled it out when I let go.
vegeta dude:I'm gonna go look for the Dragon Balls.
Pan:You can't go with out this.
vegeta dude:What the heck is this?
Pan:This is Guru.
Guru:Guru Guru.
vegeta dude:Cool
Bra:Hay why don't we come with u.
Starfire:So we can help.
vegeta dude:Well then come on.
Trunks:Hay can I come.
Pan:Sorry girls only.
Trunks:Hay just so u can have a man around to watch out for ya.
(We all laugh and we walk away)
Goten:Trunks got girlfriend Trunks got a friend.
Trunks:SHUT UP !!
Where walking in the woods while we,re following the arrow on guru.
Bra:I think Trunks has the hots for u.
vegeta dude:Dose not
Bra:Dose to I see it all over his notebook.It says I love Jdog.
vegeta dude:Yha right.
Animefreak1234567:Could be true.
Pan:You know the signs.When talks to you he studers.Then he has ur name all over his notebook.And while u where blacked out back on planet Earth he saved u from breaking ur neck.
Bra:He likes u.
vegeta dude:I guess ur right.
Then we hear a big explosion in the distance.
Bra:What was that?
vegeta dude:I don't know but lets find out.
We fly towards the place where we heard the big explosion.We went about a mile out of our.
Starfire:Mabey it was that thing.
Raven:No its not. I can fill a dark force bellow us.
Bra:Mabey we should go back.
vegeta dude:no not yet
Suddenly a big snake appears out of the trees.We fall down and bra starts to run.
Raven:Bra,come back!
Pan:let her go she'll be okay.
Raven:Who knows what could be out there.She might get killed.
Then I noticed something under the snakes body.It looked like a dogboy.
vegeta dude:There's something under the snake we have to help it.
Pan:My grandpa said that we can't interfear with any one elses buisness.
vegeta dude:It'll die.
vegeta dude:I'm going to go save it.Anime get it out of here.
Anime:I'm on it.
Anime moved the dogboy while I destracted the snake.
vegeta dude:Okay,are u ready to rock serpent.ELECTRICA LIGHTING!
I killed the serpant by giving it a little electricity to it.
Raven:Jdog, u made a big mistake.
vegeta dude:Shut up.
Anime:He looks uncontious.
vegeta dude:Lay him down.
vegeta dude:Inuyasha?(looks down at him)Oh is he with u?
??????:Yes my names Kagome. Im his girl friend.
Then something touches my butt.It was some monk.I smacked him really hard.
vegeta dude:do u mind
Kagome:Oh thats just Miroku.He's a perv
Inuyasha:Where in the heck am I?What happend to the snake demon.
vegeta dude:Oh i took care of him.
Inuyasha:Where did u come from?
vegeta dude:The names vegeta dude,and I would like a thank you to be in order here.
Songo:My names Songo.
Raven:excuse me have any of u seen a girl that has blue hair and a skimpy red outfit on.
Miroku:Ya she went in those woods over there.She had a realy hot body.
Anime:trust me u don't want to start in with her dad.
Next time Bra's In Trouble and Vegeta's Feelings.
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