Birthday • 1991-11-07 Gender •
Female Location • In your closet. I see you... *jumps out at u* BOO!!!! Member Since • 2005-01-10 Occupation • ninja Real Name • Do you really want to know?
Achievements • Honer Roll some volley ball games my solo award the band contest award Anime Fan Since • Since Goku beat the crap out of Freizza Favorite Anime • Dragon Ball Z/GT, Kingdom Hearts, FFX, Inuyasha, Full Metel Alcalmest, Sailar Moon, Wolf's Rain, Yu-gi-oh, Black Cat, Cowboy Bebop, hack.//sign Vampire Hunter D, Naruto, Ghost in the Shell, Vandred, Bleach, Ceres, FLCL, Negima, more Goals • good grades Beat Jak 2 win volley ball games Hobbies • drawing anime playing vido games Talents • dancing singing drawing fighting vegeta dude
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Random Role Play (read if you dare its strange)
Hiya. Yeah went to church yesterday. I don't know why but I didn't feel confortable there. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop going. I'm still going. Anyway after I got back from chruch Nightstorm called. And yeah we were talking and his brothers stormed in the room. And one of them. Who is on my side which is the sound village wanted to be otokage. >_> Yeah long story lets just say I um...
Fluffy: Are you Orochimaru
VD: No I'm not. I'm just saying how our phone conversation went. And here's how it started out. Which was about a few days ago.
So since I became part of sound village and have been trained by Orochimaru I have became Sannin.
(spoiler skip if you wish) And since Orochi-kun is dead. (end)
I decided to take over in his position for the time being. Also I decided to put Kabuto in prision in the darkest dungon below.
Orochi: You know if this really did happen I would have come back and killed you.
VD: I know but this is role play. So bare with it.
So yeah on to the subject. (and if you want to know why Kabuto is in prison pm me. But I'll have to spoil it to you. So if you don't want to know. Then don't pm me.) So now onto the subject.
Anyway's Yeah Nightstorms brothers are mad and one of them wants to take my position. -_- He's eight and he considers himself at sanning level and hasn't finished traing with Orochimaru. Which I ave already done. And One of them who isn't from the Sound Village who is from Leaf wants to kill me. So now I have two people that want to kill me but one I have to watch out for. Which is the little one. -_- Yeah so I'm afraid that I might be betraid. Also The other brother wants to be Hokage but can't because Tsunade is in that position. (^o^ besides if he bacame hokage we'll all go into a parallel universe. And we do not want that to happen. Same with the other who wants to become Otokage.) Anyway I made a deal with the Leaf. I'd sign a treaty that we will never attack their village again. It was because (1. We have the advantage of attaking them if they attack us because they have a rampaging maniac who wants to attack sound village and thats Nightstorms other brother. (not the the little one) (2. I think it had something to do with a video game.) *innocent smile*
Kabuto: YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL!!!!!!
Kabuto: WHAT!!! 1...2...3......
VD: Okay where was I....Oh yes I'm on both sides. Good and bad so I'm none. Kinda like Axel. Yeah and then his brother who is on my side was like I would love to train with you. I was thinking. Yeah right traitor. I don't trust him if he's going to attack me. Besides he claims to have most of my masters powers. Including summoning the dead. O_o Now I really don't wat that to happen.
Vegeta: You know how rediculous this sounds?
VD: Yes but its just role play and yeah I know its weird but c-mon arn't we all weird in our own little way.
Thunder: Well sound village wouldn't sign a treaty to the Leaf would they?
VD: No but if that Village were to attack them they signed the treaty with yeah mabey. (im such a geek sometimes.)
Orochi: Now I'm really pissed. *summons snakes*
VD: Calm down its just role play. *runs*
Orochi: Come back her peace maker. Orochimaru has something that he wants show you.
VD: No thanks I'm allergic to whatever your going to show me. *Runs faster*
Vegeta: Well you've seen the antics that VD has told you about. She hopes you enjoy. >_>
Orochi: Come here it will only hert for a second. Just let me rip off your face and let me burn you.
VD: Holy crap. *jumps from tree to tree* Comments (4) |
Monday, August 6, 2007
Well I'm back from my weekend with dad and Ionly have One more week till school. -_- Dang. This summer has been short. Whee did it run off too. *searches* Well my weekend was lazy. How about yours? ^^ Yeah Um well Naruto was alright but it was all talk but alittle funny. I enjoyed seeing Sarutobi again in a flash back. ^^
Orochimaru: *mummbles*
VD: Anyway Also watched DBZ. And all I have to ask is. Did I miss something or was it just me? Because I think either I missed an episode or Tonnami skipped episodes again. If they did screw you toonami with your stupid robot eyepoping version of Tom.....*looks around* Okay never mind I'm going insane.
Orochimaru: Arn't we all?
VD: True. Very true. Anyway Yeah and Bleach was awesome. And Uryyu Kicked that ugly maniac guy's a$$. I really don't like him but don't you think Orochi-kun and that Squad 11 captin or what ever his name is act alike in someways. Well except differnces. Because I see that guy ugly and Orochimaru well not ugly.
Orochi: You still call me mj.
VD: It's a joke. But I'm affraid I use it to much.*twitches*
Orochi: Say it....
VD: I apolo.... *bites tounge* U listn to me why I'm locked in my room. *locks self in room*
Orochi: *listens*
VD: You mean spit not spill.
Fluffy: Whatever.
Vegeta: Is she going to say it or not. I'm fighting Kakarot today.
VD: Yeah you go Vegeta: Kick Kakarot's @$$
Orochi: Come on.
VD: Okay....I'm peppers. O_o
Fluffy: LOL
Orochi: WTF
Vegeta: O_o
VD: Okay I'm sorry.
Orochi: What I didn't quite hear that.
Orochi: *pats head*
VD: Don't do that. Now can we watch Vegeta and Kakarot fight.
Fluffy: YAY fight!!! ^^
Vegeta: It's in an hour.
VD: -___-'
Fluffy: You can always show the AMV.
VD: Thats right. I found one of Inuyasha and Kikyo. I think they look good together.
Orochimaru: Dn't they remind you of...
VD: *covers his mouth* Please no spoilers.
Orochi: *licks hand*
Fluffy HAHA!!! Snake slober. ^o^
Vegeta: And I think your audience has found out.
VDL Holy crap. Um heres the amv and alittle info about it. Yeah I think they would've made a great couple and I think I'm starting to like KikyoxInuaysha now. ^^
Angles-Within Temptations
*Angels sing* Thank the Lord my cousin is gone. ^^ Now I have a week by myself. Until school starts that is. -_- And lets not forget Angel. ^^ Okay so yeah I found out that my cousins dad is a suck up and he's always late. (He's not my uncel. My aunt didn't marry him. And they are apart.) Anyway I'm also going to my dads today and I'm doing a little clothes shopping.
Also I hope you like my theme. I know it looks bloody and Grousome but not to mention Orochimaru's my theme. (The bg confused me because he looks like Sauske because Orochimaru has the Sharningan. And I can only tell because of the eyeshadow and the long bangs. (basically like Sauske's bangs) But to bad he never gets the Sharningan because SAUSKE KILLS HIM!!!!! *twitches* But there is still hope. Kabuto might bring him back.
Excusse me for my crazyness. Ahem....Yeah umm.....
Orochi: Just say it.
VD: Like what Sauske's a dead man.
Orochi: No not that.
VD: I'm bored. Oh I had a dream last night. Vegeta was fighting Freiza and he won. ^^ I was there and it was all lava shoting out and stuff. Krillen was hiding behind me. I think it was just me and Krillen. Weird huh. I think Goku hmmm might have died. I don't know. Then it went to where my dad and I we're running away to another country because this country was getting taken over by Robots. O_o I know weird huh?
Orochi: Yeah weird. -_-
VD: Then my puppy woke me up. O_o She was wimpering because she got tied up.
Vegeta: When are you going to start your Gay story again.
VD: It's not gay. And besides I''ve been busy with my cousin. Hopefully I might bring it up before school starts.
Well I got to go.
~VD Comments (5) |
Friday, August 3, 2007
Hey everyone. Whats up. Well the first night with her was great. No one has come by to claim her yet. So I did find a name for her. Well For now if no one claims her I'll call her Angel. ^^ So Yeah I've been feeding her an Now I think she looks like a mixed lab. Mabey. I couldn't tell at first but now I think she looks like a lab.
I was worried about her last night. Like I was afraid some big dog was going to attack her. O_o So yeah she did fine.
Also today we changed my bed room. Now I only have one bed instead of two. Yeah and It looks good. And my books are arranged too. I have like a little shelf. Hopefully I'll get a bigger shelf and have lots more room to buy new manga. ^^ OMG I like have a tower of manga up to my knees. Crap and its getting hard to carry. And the funny part is most are DBZ mangas. O_o
Also we're taking my cousin home tonight. We're meeting his dad somewhere. Finally he's going home. Thats one thing off my shoulders. Now I think I have about a week left till school starts. T_T I don't know how busy I'll be. I'll post often. ^^ Crap my eye itches.
Gotta go. Oh and an AMV for the mind.
Well guess what. Well first I have to tell you the whole story leaving up to this point.
Okay So we started out cleaning up Bobs truck and yeah it was freaking hot and Bob let the truck go. So we were complaining and Grandma was like Shut up and work. Yeah so my morning wasn't good. Anyway After we got the truck done we ate lunch and went to the doctors to get my shot for that cancer. Then we came back and had to wash grandma's car in the car wash. So then we pulled up and we saw a puppy laying there. And James was like awwww what a cutie. And I was like Wheres the puppy. It was so adorable. I think its a Golden Retriver And I think its a boy and My cousin thinks its a girl. I'm like well look at the do hicky and it has a thing. So there for I say its a boy. I'm not going to get attached to him though. Not yet at least. He's so adorable. After we cleaned the car we gave him a bath and fed him. But I can't just call him him. I'll have to give him a name for now. But since Grandma agreed that we can keep it. I have to ask Bob about it. But that shouldn't be to hard. Oh he's here. I'll give you an answer in a bit. Hold on a minute.......YESSSSS!!!! YESSSSS!!!! YES!!!!! I GET TO KEEP HER!!!! She's a girl. I thought she had a thing but it wasn't. ^_^' I will not be very good in a veteranary job. But at least I get to keep her. Now I'm going to ask questions.
Oh and sorry that Oro and them arnt here today. Bulma took them out on a picnic. (Suck up) And Oro is still a girl Saiyan. Oh and if you see him. Tell him that if he messes up an Anko finds out he's Orochimaru I'll kill his beloved Manda and his Snakes. (Actually I don't have the heart to do that. But don't tell him. Oh and if Anko asks just say SHE got me mad. ^^ Okay.
Anyway questions about her.
1. What should her name be.
Her characteristics are she barks like a screaming monkey and she has a tanish goldish coat. And Yeah I can't think of a name for her. All I can think of is Saru. But that will be too confusing because I might either be talking about my character Saru or Saru the puppy. And Besides she'll grow out of it. ^^
Well Sayanora. I'll try to find a name for her.
P.S. I know Metal Dragon I said Oro. But I was wanting to go fast because my cousin wants the comp. Bye. Comments (3) |
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I'm listening to BoA right now on ieem. Yeah. I'm bored. We did work around the house this morning. Also I found out all you need is to bring paper and a pencil to school the first day.
Also I don't care what people say I'm putting my head band on my backpack.
Orochi: Thats the spirit.
VD: YEAH!!!!!! I COULD CARE LESS!!!!^^ *hugs*
Orochi: Yeah get off.....
VD: I know. ahem...*whistles* Anyway that was funny when Piccolo started singing that song yesterday. ahahahaha
Piccolo: I don't sing. And I hate that song.
VD: I don't know it sounded like you.
Piccolo: IT WAS A SCAM!!!!
VD: What ever anyway. I liked how Vegeta was making fun of everything and Goku was like. THIS IS FOR BRITTNEY SPEARS!!!!!
Orochimaru: I hate her she's a slut.
VD: Your going to afend all the brittney fans. Well whats left of them. I have no Idea if there are any.
Vegeta: Remember when you thought that there were no Orochimaru fan girls?
VD: Shhhhhh....Vegeta: We don't want Orochi to remember why he was looking for me.
Orochi: Oh now I remember. I CAME TO KILL YOU!!!!!
VD: Save me....
Chichi: *hits Orochi with a frying pan*
Orochi: Owwwww....
VD: Thanks....
Axel: So this is where we gather?
VD: Yeah and if you remember we almost got caught by Anko-chan.
Vegeta: Oh man and we allmost got arrested.
VD: So now we are at Goku's house for the post. Fluffy what are you doing with chibi Goten?
Fluffy: He's so cute.
Goten: She's a Fluffy kitty. Hahaha
VD: Oh hmmmmm.......
*knocks on door*
Goku: Theres a girl with purpleish hair wanting in.
VD: Don't tell me it's....
Anko: Hey guys where's the party?
VD: *gets Orochi in a closet*
Vegeta: Don't do anything dirty.
VD: SHUT UP VEGETA!!!!! Now transform into a girl.
Orochi: No way I'm not afraid of her.
VD: Just do it. Change into a girl thats from this anime.
Orochi: Hows this.
VD: Too fat.
Orochi: Okay a girl Saiyan.
VD: Okay that looks fine.
Orochi: I'm okay?
VD: Ewww you sound like Freeza.... I wander what Saru would think?
Orochi: Just shut up and lets get out off this stuppid cleaning closet.
VD: Oh crap We were locked in.
Orochi: Until I ummm...unlocked the door. Heheheh. I don't know my own strength.
VD: (idiot) Okay how about watching an AMV and relaxing.
Anko: Sounds like a great idea.
Gomen nasi
Sorry I haven't been here for two days I've been busy and I was really stressed. Also went to my dad's to get away from this mad house. My cousin school and everything was driving me nuts here. Also my aunt didn't know when to take him back and I'm afraid she doesn't want my cousin at her house anymore. What a retard. She really is. *shakes head* She never gives the boy any attention. Also she shouldn't dump him on us like that. Grandma has enough problms going around as it is. *shakes head*
Well moving on oh and one more thing. I have one word to discribe my aunt.
Dee dee dee
Okay now moving on.
Yeah so this weekend. I went to my dads played tennis and went to watch the Simpsions Movie. Yeah it was hilarious. There were like these two guys in there. One looked like Kabuto and one sounded like Orochi-kun. Yeah it was funny. Then yesterday I went shopping with one of my friends But I didn't buy any anime. I bought school close. I bought these awesome cargo pants. I can't wait to ware them. ^^ Also went to church yesterday. Which was awesome. I really don't know how to say this but I'm kinda getting closer to God.
Well thats baisically it. I'm going to get new wires today and I'm going to get some school supplies mabey.
Well here's an AMV for you. .
Oh and Also it's my moms b-day today. ^^
Okay I have like a bunch of news for all of you. So the post won't be that random. Okay lets see.
Okay I found out when schools going to start for me and it starts the 13 of August. That sucks. So that means I have to cram in two weeks of the comp. I'm also kinda nevous about highschool and all the homework that we'll get. I know that we will get alot and the fact that I have to face is that I won't have much time to be on the comp. T_T I'm so sorry you guys. If I don't have time at all I'll miss you guys. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be gone forever. It just means that I'll have alot of time on my hands. -_o
In other news. Part four of Forbidden Love is in production right now. As you noticed I tooka break because Of the vacation. Now I'm back in gear. So it might take alittle time to type please wait.
Also about this theme. well it represents the fighting thats going to be in it soon. So yeah It's going to be action packed. Not just this episode mabey in the next few episodes or so. Mabey a little pinch of love.
On to the less serious news. Now if you are a fan of Naruto or of Akastki and you hate spoilers I suggest you skip this. and go ahead and comment on the stuff above. Thankyou and if you like spoilers you can read it if you want.
Anyway I was talking to Nightstorm lastnight on the phone and he told me what happened to some akasutki members and who the real leader is. After I got off the phone with him I went to look up the info on wikapedia. And the Akastuki leader has been revieled. His pictures on there. (you might want to go look at that) Anyway his name is Pien. Also Deideria has been killed by Sauske. (stupid kid always killing off the good people) Also Manda died. T_T
And Tobi became the new leader of Akatsuki. (I know take some time to laugh if you must I couldn't believe it either.) And also Tobi claims to be Madara Uchiha. He's the Legendary Uchiha. Man the auther is putting alot of twists into Naruto. I can't believe that Tobi is the leader.
end of spoilers
Anyway I think thats it. I gotta get going before the two weeks are over I have to get to work. It's crunch time. I'm putting an AMV up for you all.
Okay this contains some language so yeah. This has Kabuto in it and Orochimaru. Yes I hate Kabuto But this is hilarious. Yes I like Orochimaru and I don't think he's gay. I just Like to poke fun sometimes. Well later.
I feel much better now. I took a shower and then went on a walk this morning. It felt great. ^^ Now I'm in action and ready to go. Whhoooooo!!!!!
I'm in order to go on missions, sir.
Orochimaru: There is none.
VD: Awwwww c-mon I'm ready. How can there not be any missions. Don't you have like another village to concore something? C-mon
Orochimaru: We already did that yesterday while you were feeling sick.
VD: Awwwwwww T_T
Goku: Well VD Hercule is hanging on a building.
VD: I hate Hercule. He can die for all I care.
Goku: Thats cold. Oh well Gohan has that taking care of.
VD: (O man I wish he would've fell.)
Vegeta: Training?
VD: Why not.
~hours later
VD: *comes out beaten up*
Vegeta: Now was that fun?
Axel: OH YEAH!!!!
*Lights it*
Axel: Burn baby.
*firework lifts off and explodes in the distance*
VD: That was awesome.
Orochimaru: WTF! Do you want the ANBU'S on our @$$
VD: They arnt it exploded here.
Axel: Now don't get your snake tail in a rap.
Orochimaru: *sighs*
VD: Oh and since I'm feeling better I have something to tell you guys. I submitted more art into my protfolio. Now I have Orochimaru and Saru togeter. Also Hikaru's in there. And I submitted Goku. So please Go check it out.
Orochimaru: Um yeah a mission just came up.
VD: Yeah?
Orochimaru: I want you tospy on Kabuto for me.
VD: Huh? I thought Gaara killed him.
Orochimru: That was a clone.
VD: Oh very well. I'll do that. (may as well kill him if he does anything funny) I better go but I have to leave an amv for my friends.
Pain with Anko in it.
I'm so not feeling good today. I'm not sick I just don't feel too good.
Orochi: Where's your head band?
VD: I'm taking the day off. So I'm loping around.
Orochi: Ninja's don't lop around.
VD: Well I am. *sigh* Anyway I'm like down. Yeah so did nothing much yesterday but draw and played video games. I wasn't feeling good then either. Uhhh I feel like crap.
Vegeta: You might want to go lay down.
VD: I might later.
Fluffy: Pet my fluff. It will make you feel better.
VD: Thanks.
Orochi: Are you really doing that to make yourself feel better?
VD: I'm petting her because I like her fluff. It's so soft.
Fluffy: Thats the wrong fluff.
VD: Huh.
VD: Oh sorry.
Sesshomaru: *moves along*
VD: Now is this the right fluff.
Fluffy: Yeah.
VD: Nice fluff.
Orochi: That guy..was quiet.
Thunder: He never likes to talk much.
Vegeta: I'm surpirsed she even survived.
Fluffy: Um she fell asleep.
Orochi: Again.
Vegeta: Here we go again. *picks her up*
Fluffy Well Um I guess VD told us her day. But not all of it. She forgot some of it.
Well you all know that one girl that used to be her friend then VD got tired of her bossing her around and being incociterate. So she stopped being her friend. Then that bratyey girl was being mean to her for no reason and it was really her fault that they stopped being friends.
Vegeta: Oh yeah I remember. Gosh she was a pain in her @$$.
Fluffy: Then they made up in the end and said goodbye to each other because she was moving.
Do any of you remember?
Orochimaru: Just get to the point already.
Fluffy: Well she called to say she was sorry again and might call back sometime this weekend.
Vegeta: WHAT!
Orochi: HUH!
Axel: WTF!
Thunder: You've got to be kidding me.
Gaara: She's off my death list she's on the last ones to kill list.
Fluffy: Yeah and thats good there still friends, Well kinda.
Vegeta: Thats shocking.
Fluffy: I know and VD didn't even erase the massage. Over the summer she was trying to forget her and everything that happened between them because of her past. But then she called. VD was only trying to help her in the past but it didn't work. She was out of control and they stopped being friends because she was going crazy. And VD was broken. Because she thought she failed her. Now her influence did pay off and it only took awhile because she was growing up. Now she's growing up. I'm glad everythngs okay between them.
Thunder: Wow Fluffy I didn't know that you could give speeches like that.
Fluffy: I didn't know either till just now.^^
Vegeta: Good one Flufball.
Fluffy: Quit calling me that.
Thunder: Well anyway we better end it here. VD's asleep. So I'll put out the AMV this time. And it's Naruto vs Sauske.
Orochimaru: Sauske better win Or I'll be pissed.
Thunder: It's just previews. Wel not really. The songs called for gotten enjoy.