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myOtaku.com: vegeta dude

Saturday, January 20, 2007

   The Dance sucked
Ya it went good for the first hour or so. (I was with my bf) Then these boys where coming up to us acting like jerks. They where saying bad stuff to us acting like animals. Also harrasing us. And to make it worse my ex boyfriend was there and also Mel was there.
Go ahead like I could care less.
Vegeta: *Flies off to kill them*
Gaara: Can I go to.
Sure. Make them pay.
Garra: *dissapears in sand*

Well anyway the dance sucked. I hate those boys. Immature brats. They are so stupid. They ruined most of my good time. I talked to my dad and he says to punch them in the face. I agree with that. And you know what ma says. "Your making a big deal out of this."
Big deal...BIG DEAL!!!!! How can I say this. Lets see how my middle school years have been so far. Hmmmm.... For three years I've been tourtured inside my head living day after day ignoring the ones that hate me and talk behind my back. For three years I have been stabbed in the back and broken. And you know where its got me to. Ignoring ppl. Living in fear of ppl and myself. No where absalutly no where. Except my bf and my best friend are the only ones that I truly trust at the moment. I might have some friends but I don't trust them yet. Thats because of the fear that I have to live through. And you know I might have told off those boys at the dance. But if I don't do something to save myself then I'm afraid that my mind might become unstabble. My grandma won't even help me. Al she says is Forget about it just ignor it. She dosen't understand. She will never understand of how much pain I have indured. I f she was in my place right now she wouldn't want to put up with this shit anymore.

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