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myOtaku.com: vegeta dude

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm sooooooo sorry about not being here for a week. AGAIN!!!!!! Ok yeah so lots of stuff have been going on. Like in the mornings had to get my hw done. This is my last week of hw. YAY!!!!
Vegeta: I didn't get to bother you on your hw this year.
VD: Well there's always next year. ^^ And besides I bet you had better stuff to do than bother me.
Vegeta: True.
VD: Anyway On friday we had the reading carnival. I had lots of fun. We had like a American Idol type thingy. Which I didn't sing in. I have a fear of stage fright. Then this ranger rick guy came in and had lots of animals. And a millipede which was so discusting. And I got to pet a skunk and a snake. The snake was like ewwww but I liked it. It fely like a lether like breathing creature. It makes me cringe when I think about it.
Vegeta: Breath, your hypervenalating.
VD: Man it waslike so creepy but I liked it.
Vegeta: Yeah calm down it was just a snake.
VD: A snake. It was a freaking boa constirctor.
VD: Ok yeah I better get my mind off of snakes before Oreo returns. Yeah anyway after that I went to see spider man on IMAX with Bre. Then I played tnnis all weekend. Oh and I beat Sephiroth on kh2. YEAH IN YOUR FACE! Then on monday I had a book report due. And Tuesday I had my last band concert. In which everybody found out I was senseative. Now today I have to give a book talk about my book report. So yeah thats it.
Oro: Whats up.
Vegeta: WHATS UP!!! You tried to kill us thats whats up.
VD: Guys. *wacks Oro on the head* I might not trust him and yeah I don't think I have anything to back this up. What are you doing here?
Oro: Nothing inparticular.
Axel: Wanting to get burned.
VD: Well this is interesting. Well laters
Vegeta: Hey get back here you can't just leave.
VD: *teleports*

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