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Monday, June 11, 2007
Sorry about the late but not early morning post. I'll tell you why in a little bit but first some news.
Well we chopped the great sakura tree down. Which was sad. I helped though. It was dying anyway and yet some things have to die.
But enough of that we are going to get to a great post. Because I looked in the comments for votes and Forbidden Love for yes post this won. TURE LOVE CONCORS ALL!!!! *clears throat* Anyway the reason I've been up all morning was because I was tyoing it on word this morning, and last night. And man it was a hassel. I worked so hard on this and I deserve credit. But first I shall introdouce you to the characters of this story.

This is Saru Otonashi. (I don't have a scanner to draw my oc. So atleast I have a picture of what she looks like) She is 12 years old and is of team Sarutobi. She has the power of fire and a very strong ninja for her age. Oh and this is not her out fit.
This is her out fit.

Very nice huh. (I wish I had a scanner TT TT)
So Saru has no parents to take care of her. They died in a war against the snow country. Then her grandfater who was watching out for her and training her dies. She is easy to make friends with and she is very caring toward other people. She is hottemperd at times and can be boyish. She is funny at times but serious in battle.
These are her weapons.


And now her friends. Hikaru Shizu

I'll show tou the outfit in tomorrow's post.
This thing is going to be really long. I'm not even gonna show team Sarutobi's pictures unless you want me too.
Ok Last but not least Yukina Saru's Cat. (summoning)

Here it is Forbidden Love.
Forbidden Love
Orochimaru Friend or Rival
By Yours Truly
It’s morning in the Hidden Leaf Village. Where Saru Otonashi is running for her life to get to the academy. Today the exams for becoming a ginuen start, and Saru has been waiting her whole life for this. Today is the day her path begins to becoming the greatest ninja. But, mabey, the road might lead to somewhere different for her. She might have the same goal in life that she might achieve, but a certain people might be joining her on her adventure in life.
“HOLY CRAP I’M LATE FOR THE EXAMS”, Saru yells, as she fights her way through the crowd with her ninja speed. “Excuse me. Sorry,” One Lady ducks as Saru tries to jump over her. “WATCH IT!” the surprised women screamed. “SORRY!” She keeps running dodging people as she goes. As she keeps doing this it wasn’t long until she saw the academy up ahead. “Alright I see it. I hope they wait.” As this is happening, a block away from where she is running a boy with raven black hair is walking the street. He is done with his exams. “Hmm…tomorrow shall be interesting”, he thinks to himself. While this is happening Saru is still running but she is almost there. Until the boy turns a corner, which happens to be the road she is running on. “Alright. I’m…..WAHAAAAAAHHH!!!!”, she screams. As the boy yells out, “HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” Saru crashes into him, and they both fall back. A cloud of smoke covers the area as the both of them moan from crash landing on each other. Saru then comes as she realizes she is laying on the ground. “ OH NO THE EXAMS! I CAN’T LET ALL OF THIS TRAINING GO TO WAIST! CRAP!” The boy all of the sudden knows what’s going on and tries to calm Saru. “Hey calm down, crazy girl.” Saru looks down and at that moment she realizes she’s on top of him. “Oh Orochimaru-sama. Can’t talk. I got to get. Sayanora.” She runs off in a split second while Orochimaru is on the ground. “Weirdo.”
She walks into the academy as she pants. She runs up to the door and walks in casually. She sees Sarutobi waiting at his desk.
Sarutobi greets her. “Welcome Saru Otonashi.” Saru bows to him. “Konichiwa, Sarutobi sensi” Sarutobi smiles with delight. “Now Shall we begin? All you need to do is clone yourself in order to pass. And one that looks like you. It has to be perfect.” Saru gets ready to make a clone. “As you wish. SHODOW CLONE JUTSU!” She makes one of her self, but it is not just any ordinary clone. It’s a full clone. (One that cannot disappear until it is severely damaged) “Great job, Saru. You pass” Sarutobi, hands her a head band and paper. “We’re glad to have you on our team.” Saru bows. “Arigoto, sensi.” She then walks out satisfied with herself.
She walks down the stairs from the academy as she sees her friends Tsunade, and Hikaru. Saru goes over to them all, happy as can be. “Hey guys I passed.” Hikaru smiles and says, ”Congratulations Saru-chan.” Tsunade runs over. ”So what team?” Saru smiles happily and says, “Team Sarutobi, and I’m with you.” The both of them jump up and celebrate. But then Hikaru ruins the moment. “Um…Saru…You might want to look at this paper.” Saru looks and sees Jariya and Orochimaru typed their as team members. Saru makes a sulking face and says “That just great.” Tsunade taps her on the shoulder. “I understand your pain, but what’s wrong with Orochimaru?” Saru sighs with embarrassment. “I ran him over on the way to the exams.” Tsunade laughs and pictures Orochimaru getting run over. “That’s okay. Just go apologize to him.” “ That’s exactly what I’m planning on”, Saru sighs. Then she turns around and asks ,” So who’s your sensi, Hikaru?” Hikaru faces her and smiles. “ He’s Takahashi.” Tsunade gets a gets a dual look while Saru says, “ I heard he’s good with his students.” Tsunade shakes her head and blurts out, “ Yeah he might be good with his students, but Sarutobi’s first best thing.” Hikaru starts walking away as she says, “ I’d best get home.” Saru says bye to her friends and runs off.
While walking the streets of Konaha , Saru thinks to herself about how she’s going to apologize. She then blurts out “ Ok it can’t be that hard all I have to do is go up to him and say sorry.” Then a voice behind her says, “Can a guy get some peace around here?” She turns around to see Orochimaru standing behind her. “ Oh hi. Yeah, sorry about earlier. I was late for my exams.” Orochimaru shakes his head. “No need to apologize.” As he passes her she thinks, “Creepy.” Orochimaru stops dead right infront of her. “Oh crap. Can he read minds?” Orochimaru faces her and asks, “Do you fear me?” Saru looks to the ground. “No. Why do you ask?” He smirks and says, “Let’s just say I can read expressions on peoples faces.” Saru stands there terrified again. “Um….okay.” He walks away as he chuckles. “See you later Saru Otonashi.” He leaves her there shocked at what just happened. When she composes herself she continues her walk back home. “ His eyes…they were full of something…weird.
As the day continues Saru trains at her training grounds practicing to stable her chakra, and using weapons to aim. Also, punching trees, and kicking them. After she does this many times night falls and she gets exhausted from her training. She lies down and rest before she goes in her house. “And that concludes my training for today”, She says smiling to herself. As she lays there, the wind blows through her hair while Sakura fall to the ground. She opens her eyes and turns her head towards the dark forest surrounding her training grounds. There is a ruffle in the bushes and some laughing, which she hears. She gets up and starts walking toward the forest. “Who’s there?”, She calls. Nothings said. She continues to walk towards it. She approaches the bushes and grabs whatever is in there. She grabs a boy with shaggy white hair, who is screaming for his life. “ WAHHHAAAAAHHH!!!! DON’T KILL ME!!!” Saru has a now dual look. “Jariya, you idiot go back home.” Jariya smirks as he grabs Saru’s hands and says,” I was watching you, and I was thinking to myself that you have a pair of beautiful…hands, yes hands.” He strokes her hand as Saru gets really mad and smacks him in the face. “ You pervert. I can report you for stalking me.” Jariya rubs his face and gets all teary eyed. “I had nothing else to do. I was bored.” Saru is getting annoyed at this point. “Then go to bed. We have a meeting tomorrow.” Jariya sulks. “ Fine then.” Saru lets out a sigh of relief. “Well I better do the same, if I want to be good tomorrow.” She walks back to her house crawling into bed. Having a peaceful sleep that night.
The next morning she’s walking into town with two rice balls in her hand. And she’s not running late. “Man I can never get enough of these. That’s one down.” She’s about to bite into it but instead she bites her hand. “Hey was I dreaming, or was there another rice ball in my hand?” A voice behind her and says thank you. Saru looks behind her and sees that Orochimaru is standing there, with her rice ball. “Hey that was mine.” Her stomach growls, as he throws it back to her. “Thanks, and you can walk with me if you want.” They walk together to the training grounds talking to one another. As they approach, Tsunade waves to them. Then she goes all puppy eyed saying, “Aw, you two look cute together. You’ll make a good couple.” Saru stared at Jariya, Who was standing right by Tsunade. “I’m also sure that you and Jariya make a good couple,” Saru says smirking. Jariya steps away from Tsunade. “YUCK! Like I would ever go out with that flat chested beast”, he says out loud. Then Tsunade gets mad and hits him. A big whelp appears on his head. He goes over to Saru and grabs her hand. “But Saru, I would love to be with you. Your pretty, smart and you have a big cheast.” Saru blushes from embarrassment, but has a mad look on her face. “ Well I’m flaterd.”
What used to be one whelp on Jariya’s head, is now two whelps. Jariya sulks and says,” Man ladies are hard to get.” Orochimaru has sweat on his head because he wanders, “ Is that all he thinks about. Talk about rude.” Sarutobi appears in a cloud of smoke before the team. “Good morning students.” Since Sarutobi is under a tree a bucket of water spills on Sarutobi’s head. Then Jariya freaks out and thinks, “Oh man that was meant for Orochimaru.” He has a flash back to where he was putting up the water bucket. Tsunade gets annoyed and tries to pursue him not to do this dirty trick. “Jariya stop this or else”, she calls. “ No way. This freaks going to pay for stealing the one I love away from me.” He sulks. “How do you know he’s going out with her?” Tsunade asked. “ I spied on them talking.” The flash back ends for Jariya as Sarutobi yells at him for being a pathetic ninja. Then Saru reminds Sarutobi of the training. “ Uh sensi, the training.” Sarutobi stops yelling. “Thank you Saru. Today you’re going through the bell test. There is only three bells and four of you.” Orochimaru finishes. “Which means one of us is going to get tied to a tree.” Sarutobi is surprised. “Very good Orochimaru. Now since that was explained to you, are you ready. GO”
Everyone gets into their positions across the training field. Saru and Orochimaru are in separate trees. Tsunade is hiding in a bush. And Jariya is sneaking around. “He’ll never catch him. Now he must be somewhere, sitting, working on a cross puzzle.” She thought.
On the ground Jariya see’s a bell. “ This must be my lucky day,” Jariya blurts out. He grabs for the bell but gets trapped in a rope. He is upside down. Sarutobi comes out of no where, and gives him a lecture. “Now Jariya , You just don’t head for the prize until it’s safe.” Then a bunch of kuni hit him in the head. “Perfect,” Saru thinks. She dashes out of the tree and heads for Sarutobi. Then Orochimaru comes out and says,” Thanks Saru.” Saru glares and says “That’s not yours.” Then Sarutobi disappears. “A substitution.” Then Saru goes looking for him. Then she is dragged in to the ground. Only her head remains. “That’s not fair to do to a girl!,” she yells. Sarutobi smirks and says,” Nothings fair in battle.” He disappears leaving Saru by her self. “I’m digging my self out.” Then Tsunade comes over to her. “Need some help?” She asks. Saru smiles. “Man do I ever.” Tsunade has a scared look on her face. “Tsunade, come help me. Whats wrong?” Saru asks. “SN…SNAKE!!!!” Tsunade yelled. Saru looks behind her. “That’s ok it won’t….HEY TSUNADE COME BACK!!!!!TSUNADE YOUR SO DEAD WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!! Orochimaru walks in front of her. “Well what so we have here?” Saru puts a sad look on her face. “Could you get me out of here?” Orochimaru ponders.
“Either I should leave you there with the snake or help you.” Saru explains. “ I don’t mind snakes, but I do mind if that boy beats me and I get tied up, then my dream will be crushed to become a skilled ninja. Please help me to move on to my destiny.” Orochimaru gives her a weird look. “Yeah like that pethic attempt to sadden me isn’t going to get you know where. But you are right. We should not let him win this. So in that case, I’ll help you.” It doesn’t take Orochimaru long to dig her out. “Oh snakey, it’s we’ve had good times together. I’ll miss you,” Saru talks to the snake. Orochimaru buts in. “You might want to keep that.” Saru grows a smile. “Yes I shall call you Yumi and Yumi shall be mine.” Orochimaru gives her a weird look. “You know, remind me never to give any of my snakes to you. I’m afraid you might kill them.” Saru starts,” Ok whats the plan?” “We ambush Sarutobi and if that doesn’t work we’ll use the snakes.”
They take there places in the tree. Using Jariya as a signal they’ll ambush him, when Jariya is trapped. Then Jariya sneaks walks along and spots a sexy girls magazine. “ Oh pretty ladies” He says. He picks it up and is trapped again. “NOW!” Saru yells. Then they head for Sarutobi. He opens his eyes and jumps up using his chakra to hang from a tree. But that doesn’t stop Saru. For, she runs up the tree and kicks Sarutobi and causes him to fall. Then Orochimaru comes in and kicks him into to ground. Saru comes out of no where and tries to get the bell. Sarutobi was to quick for her when he got up and knocked her in to a tree. Orochimaru almost touched one but Sarutobi pushed Orochimaru into the ground hard. Sarutobi smirked and said,” Good but not good enough.” He disappeared. Then Orochimaru struggled to get up. “ Okay time for plan b.” Saru was shocked at what just happened and rethought the whole situation.
This time they were both in the same tree. Orochimaru began to explain what he was about to do. “ We’re going to get the snakes to snatch the bell from him.” Saru was confussed. “Yeah but how are we going to get them to obey us?” Orochimaru smirked. “That’s where I come in. Now watch.” He whispered something in a snake like voice. His and a snake came out and slithered down to where Sarutobi was sleeping. Then it snatched the bell from his belt. Sarutobi stirred but didn’t wake. Orochimaru did the same thing to the snake that Saru caught earlier. And she got the bell as well. She was disturbed at what he did. Then they went back to the area where they met. Jariya was already tied to a tree. Later after Tsunade got hers she came over there to tease Jariya. “Now Jariya, looks like we won our little wager,” She said as she shoke the bell in front of him. Jariya smirks. “Why don’t you shut up you ugly little troll.” Tsunade starts to yell at him and Saru tries to break it up. “Ok you two settle down.” Sarutobi interrupts. “You guys can go now. While I talk to Jariya.” Tsunade sticks her tongue at Jariya and Orochimaru shakes his head.
Orochimaru goes with Saru as they head home. “Do you live with anybody?” Orochimaru asks as they walk. Saru shakes her head. “No just me, myself and I. Oh and of course a summoning jutsu. Orochimaru is confused because summoning jutsus can’t live with their masters. Saru understands. “I get her out when I feel like I need to talk to some one. I also train 24/7 and talk to friends so it doesn’t get lonely. So what about you? Do you live with anybody?” Orochimaru looks at her. “My parents died when I was born, so no.” Saru looks sad. “Oh I’m sorry. I know how that feels. I lost my parents in a war and my grandpa to a rouge ninja.” Saru now has sadness in her eyes, but she is used to this. Orochimaru changes the subject real quick. “ So how about your friend.” Saru smiles. “Oh yeah.” She summons her friend that happens to be her cat. “Meet Yukina.” Yukina looks up at the boy and says,” Hey Saru is this your new boyfriend. He’s cute.” Saru is shocked and Orochimaru is about ready to laugh. “Bad kitty.” Yukina jumps into Orochimarus arms. And Orochimaru decides to pet her between the ears. She purrs,” Yeah right there, that’s the spot. Saru I like this kid. Saru smiles but then it fades when she says,” Don’t mind me asking, but do you have any friends” Orochimaru looks down. “No.” Saru is sad but smiles to brighten the mood. Hey how about me. I’m your friend right?” “Are you asking me to be your friend?” Saru has a big smile. “Yeah how about it.” Orochimaru looks at her and a smile begins to form. “Okay then.” He doesn’t say anything the rest of the way. But he told Saru bye. When she went to bed that night she thought to her self. “I have this feeling in my heart that I can’t explain, for him. Is this love?”
End of episode 1
I hope you like it. I worked really hard on this. Yes...It is very long but it's wroth reading. Please if you have any suggestions in anyway that I can make the story line or writing better. Please tell me. I don't mind critisisim.
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