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myOtaku.com: vegeta dude

Friday, February 3, 2006

I'm back ^^
So I didn't get grounded because I did ok. But I got two C's. One was in Languge, and one was in math. I really do suck at math. -_- And I have a plan to get my grade up in languge arts. We're like doing a research project on what ever you want and mine is going to be about Japanese traditions. And we can look these up on the internet and the labtop at school. So this is going to get my grade up. If it dosen't then shes not too entussed about my work.-_- Anyways The Super Bowl is this wekend. WHOO GO STEALERS!!! Oh and what I did over the week. Lets see... Oh Thursday I went to church and I meet my friend there. Boy, when she got there she was pissed. This kid Nick did something to her on the bus. Mabey insulted her. But it was funny she was like chasing him around the game room and he knocked over a game cube and broke it. Hahahaha. I thought it was hilarious. Then while we were singing Bre wanted to trade me places so I did. Then these girls were laughing and this woman came over there and got on to her because she thout that she was the one talking. This lady gives me the creeps. Oh and My bf wanted to borow GOW from me. (that means God of War) So I let him borow it besides its his b-day this week. I wish I could think of something to get for him. I feel like a bad gf. T^T
And tonight I'm gonna try to stay up till 3 my time to watch YYH. I miss that show soo much. Well its time to take my leave again. Well see you soon.

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