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myOtaku.com: vegeta dude

Friday, September 29, 2006

   The simple facts of life.
Hey, sorry I haven't been on here lately. They've been droping homework on us. And lots of it. Oh and now I think that boy hates me because he found out that I liked him. Oh I'm such a loser. I've been down in the dumps lately. Oh and also my reputation has gone way down the last week. But I am happy about one thing that Vegeta's coming on tonight. But the way I look at my life now. I don't feel sorry for myself. I don't want people to feel sorry for me and tell me that its alright. I like the preps at the school feeling sorry for theirselves because of all the people they put down. If they put people down they're putting theirselves down. The people that they put down are humans too and they are no different. They look at us like aleins. Dose that mean their aleins too? They should be sad because they are dumping shit on their brothers and sisters of human life. Now this is really something to think about because I do have a point. Preps are the ones that we should be feeling sorry for. Not ourselves. I'm not saying be nice to the preps. I'm just saying that they don't know any better. Us losers need to show them the hard way about life. Because I we let them chew on us then they'll look down on us. But they don't know that we are tough enough to get back up and try again. What I'm saying is...that life is not any better for them than it is for us. Because they are the ones that have a sad life. We are the ones that have a broken soul but alot of times life is happy and sad.

Just think about this.

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