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myOtaku.com: vegeta dude

Friday, January 12, 2007

   Hey guys.
It hasn't been very good for me lately. I've been having problems at school with a former someone.
Vegeta: Feh don't tell me that brat.
*sighs* Yeah everyones going to be real dissappointed in me after I get this done.
Vegeta: Well I'm listening.
Well lets see I'll make a list up so the humiliation wont hurt me.

Stuff that she does to me.
Talk behind my back.
Telling people to bump into me.
Telling me its my fault when really its all her fault.
So yeah this is Mel thats doing this to me. Lets see how I responded back.
Ignored it.
cryed my eyes out in the restroom. -__-

I'm so pathetic.
Vegeta:....No your not your devastated thats why you respond back like that. And besides she wants you to think that.
Gaara: You should've slapped her.
I feel alittle better about myself. but I still feel pathetic.
Vegeta and Gaara: -_-'
Well thats all I have to say. Sorry about wasting everyones time about my problems.
Vegeta: -_-'
Well later.

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